Creeping flowers perennials: photo with the name

Ground cover perennials are a kind of "magic wand" for the gardener and landscape designer. It is these plants that fill the voids in the garden with a carpet, are planted in the most difficult areas, serve as a background for higher single flowers. Ground covers blooming all summer can decorate any area, in addition, these perennials creeping along the ground do not need special care.

To choose from hundreds of varieties of ground cover perennials the plant that is most suitable for the garden will help the photos and names of these flowers, the characteristics of the plants and a description of the method of growing them.

Ground cover plants and their features

Today it is difficult to imagine the landscape of a country house in which creeping perennials are not used. Ground covers, depending on the variety, can have chiseled carved leaves, beautifully designed compact bushes or delicate fragrant inflorescences.

A flower carpet can frame garden paths, be located along a fence or serve as a border for flower beds, complement stone garden compositions (rockeries, rock gardens, artificial ponds), and be planted around the trunks of garden trees. Often, ground covers are simply filled in the voids on the site, they are planted where nothing but weed is able to grow.

A cover plant for the garden has a number of advantages. before other flowers and ornamental grasses:

    1. Unpretentiousness soil cultivators are their main quality. These plants are not only possible, but even necessary, to be planted in areas with poor, infertile soil. With an overabundance of fertilizers, the flowers of ground cover perennials will be very small, all the plant's strength will be spent on the development of greenery and the growth of the bush.
    2. Can be grown both on the sunny side of the garden and in the shade... Among the varieties of ground cover, it is easy to find plants that meet all the gardener's needs.
    3. The root system of ground cover grows not deep into the soil, but in width... This allows the roots to hold back the earth, to give it a certain shape - the flower bed will not crumble.
  1. Stems and inflorescences of perennial ground cover for the winter die off, if not removed, dried plants will fertilize the soilas well as protection from the cold for their own roots.
  2. Creeping the ground cover also plays the role of mulch: the sun's rays do not break through the solid carpet, the earth does not dry out, weeds do not grow. In addition, a solid ground cover carpet prevents soil leaching and weathering.
  3. Almost all ground covers are perennial plants, so they seeds are bought and sown only once... Then a carpet of plants is formed by cuttings, bush splitting and other seedless methods.
  4. Hundreds of varieties ground cover plants allow you to choose any flower for your garden: with beautiful flowers, carved leaves, fast-growing or decorated, capable of blooming all season or staying evergreen throughout the year.

As you can see, ground cover plants play the role of not only a decor, but also a garden protector, a rescuer in difficult situations when other plants cannot cope.

Varieties of ground cover

As already mentioned, there are a lot of varieties of ground cover plants, they are distinguished not only by external, decorative characteristics, but also by the timing of flowering, methods of reproduction, requirements for illumination, moisture, soil composition.

You need to choose a ground cover taking into account several factors at once, this is:

  • the type of primary flowers in the flowerbed or in the part of the garden where the ground covers will be located. After all, these plants should be in harmony with their "neighbors" in color, height, watering regime.
  • Soil composition. Most creeping groundcover flowers favor light, scanty soil, but there are some that should be fertilized regularly.
  • Shading or illumination of the site.
  • Humidity of the earth, the proximity of groundwater, the presence of a reservoir. Not all ground covers will be able to develop in conditions of high humidity, there is a risk, especially in the lowlands, that the bushes will rot and rot.
  • The dimensions of the free space that the ground cover should fill.
Attention! Most creeping flowers grow very quickly, filling all the free space. Among the ground cover there are aggressive species that can "kill" not only weeds, but also cultivated flowers.

When choosing the name and variety of ground cover perennial for your garden, you must take into account all the facts in the complex. Then the flower will become an unpretentious decoration of the site, and not a gardener's headache.

Subulate phlox

White, blue and pink inflorescences adorn the bushes of the ground cover already at the end of May. But even without flowers, the subulate phlox looks quite interesting - this ground cover has small leaves that look like needles, and the bushes themselves are dense - the earth is really covered with a solid carpet. This ground cover can be grown by choosing only one color, or you can combine three shades on a flower bed at once - you get a not very variegated, watercolor blanket. Subulate phlox can decorate mixborder, rockery or other landscape garden compositions. The ground cover looks great right up to winter - the bushes are neat, green. This perennial propagates by cuttings. Having bought two or three shoots and planting them on your site, after a few years you can get an extensive carpet of blooming phlox - they grow very quickly.

Subulate phlox

Splayed phlox

This variety of soil growers will be an excellent neighbor for phlox subulate, since its flowering begins a little later. The inflorescences of the spread-out type are larger, but the bushes are not so dense. Perennial grows best in well-lit areas of the garden, does not like stagnant water and frequent watering. Phlox seeds can be sown twice a year: in April and September. The ground cover reproduces very quickly. You do not need to fertilize it, in extreme cases, you can use wood ash - it is better to avoid mineral fertilizers, they reduce the number of flowers. The best place to grow phlox is on a hill, well-lit by the sun. In low areas, the ground cover may rot. For the winter period, it is necessary to cover the bushes with spruce branches - the splayed phlox does not tolerate frost well.

Splayed phlox


One of the most unpretentious ground cover perennials. Chrysalis begins to bloom early - already in May, many snow-white flowers appear on the bushes. The height of the bushes is average - up to 15 cm. Chickweed seeds need to be sown for the winter, in this way they get seedlings for the next season. The perennial will begin to bloom only in a year. But the ground cover grows very quickly, in a short time a large area will be filled with this plant. A very unpretentious perennial variety, the only thing a chick needs for good development is a bright sun. Neither regular watering nor fertilization is required in this case. Any soil will do, but it is better to choose an area with poor soil. You need to propagate ground cover bushes by cuttings, planting a perennial in late spring. For the winter period, dry stems are cut and covered with spruce branches.


Carnation herbal

This perennial grows in bushes that look like small mounds. Carnation blooms are very beautiful, they can be of several shades or have monochromatic flowers.This ground cover begins to bloom at the end of spring, when long creeping stems are covered with bright medium-sized flowers. The herb can be grown by seed or seedlings. Carnation seeds need to be sown under glass, they do it at the end of March. In open ground, the ground cover can be sown only in May, then the carnation will bloom a month later - around mid-July. It is necessary to grow this ground cover in lighted, elevated areas, she loves fertile soil, and the bushes also need regular watering. In the lowlands, the ground cover will quickly die. Carnation can be propagated not only by seeds, but also by dividing the roots. This ground cover plant can withstand even severe frosts (up to -35 degrees).

Carnation herbal


A perennial that cannot be distinguished from strawberries from afar - the same triple leaves and bright red small berries. But unlike real strawberries, you can't eat the fruits of the duchenei - you can only admire them. The ground cover grows very rapidly, filling all the free space, so you need to be careful in choosing "neighbors" for this aggressive perennial. In order for the ducheneu carpet to be solid and even, the ground under the bushes must be constantly moist. The plant loves the sun and poor soil. You can propagate a ground cover through seeds or by dividing a bush. In snowy winters, the ground cover does not need to be covered, but without snow, the duchenei risks not withstanding severe frosts.


Woolly stachis

This creeping groundcover has rooting shoots and silvery fluffy stems. It will be an excellent addition to a rockery or mixborder, decorate a flower bed and a flower garden. Stachis inflorescences look like spikelets with small pink or purple flowers. However, the flowers of the ground cover are rarely left; most often, gardeners cut the ears so as not to disturb the uniformity of the creeping fluffy carpet. The condition of the ground cover must be monitored by regularly cutting out dry shoots and old roots. Stachis seeds can be sown both in spring and before winter. This ground cover loves sun or partial shade, poor, not very wet soils. It is not necessary to cover it for the winter, the ground cover is frost-resistant.

Woolly stachis


Among the ground covers, there are also coniferous species that remain green throughout the year. Gardeners plant juniper bushes in the corners of the flower garden or in the center of the flower bed - evergreen shoots refresh the landscape, decorate the garden when other flowers have already faded. Any flowers, as well as coniferous bushes and trees can become the juniper's "neighbors". For example, a recumbent juniper for several years covers absolutely any soil with a continuous carpet. It can even be grown on gravel or rockery stones.



A representative of ground cover plants that can bloom all summer. There are about 500 representatives of this subspecies of ground cover perennials. Only one stonecrop can create a variegated flower garden, because all varieties differ not only in the shape, size and color of the inflorescences, but also in the height of the bush, the shape of the shoots, and leaves.

The ground cover looks very organic on rocky slopes, in ridges and rockeries, as a living border on paths and flower beds.

The predominant part of sedum varieties loves the sun, but there are also shade-loving species of this perennial. It begins to bloom in early June, and ends only in September. Sedum is a great option for lazy summer residents. He does not even need watering, he does not need to feed the plant either, he endures the winter without shelter. A ground cover is grown through seeds, cuttings or by dropping shoots. The only thing that the ground cover does not like is high humidity, it is better to avoid it.



You don't need to be an experienced gardener to grow ground cover perennials. These plants are great for beginners, as well as for those who, in a short time and at a minimum cost, want to turn an empty area into a flowering meadow. The summer resident can only choose the varieties of ground cover - all the rest these perennials will do themselves.

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  1. I liked everything very much. I would like to write out creeping perennials.

    07/13/2018 at 05:07
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