Hosta Rainforest Sunrise: description + photo

Hosta Rainforest Sunrise is a perennial with beautiful leaves. There are approximately 60 varieties and hybrids of this flower. The bushes are unpretentious to care for, and are also frost-resistant. It is not difficult to plant them on your personal plot, and cultivation requires a minimum of costs. Due to this, the host is very popular with gardeners.

Description of hybrid hosts Rainforest Sunrise

In the natural environment of the host, Rainforest Sunrise grows in warm temperate climates (Sakhalin, Kuriles, Far East). In Japan, the flower is grown not only for decorative purposes, but also eaten.

It is an Asian plant, but the mid-latitude climate is also good for it. Hosta Rainforest Sunrise can feel great in cold summers and can survive harsh winters. Frost resistance allows you to successfully plant a flower in the middle regions of Russia (up to -15 degrees), however, for the northern regions it is better to choose a more frost-resistant hybrid or grow in containers.

Attention! Hosta "Rainforest Sunrise" even in pots will not be able to take root in the house, for normal growth requires climate change.

The hosts are home to China and Japan.

Hosta is a rhizome flower with large leaves (15-35 cm) on petioles, forming a basal rosette. The height varies between 25-120 cm. The peduncle has an elongated shape (in some cases reaches 150 cm) without foliage; it has pinkish or white flowers resembling small bells. They bloom in the summer.

Benefits of the Rainforest Sunrise Host Hybrid:

  1. The texture of the leaves with a slight waxy bloom, matte or glossy, wrinkled or smooth.
  2. The color can be gray, blue, green, cream or yellow.
  3. The shape resembles a heart, elongated or round.

Hosta "Rainforest Sunrise" is unpretentious in growing conditions, it can decorate any shady areas, has a long lifespan - the flower grows for more than 25 years, every year it only becomes more luxuriant. The variety gets along with other garden crops, and dense plantings do not allow weeds to grow.

Application in landscape design

In the landscape, the Rainforest Sunrise host is used as a curb shrub, it can grow in one place for a long time. Also, the variety of hybrids makes it possible to grow great compositions, for example, near paths. But it must be borne in mind that in the shade the plants will be green, without the peculiarities of the decor, and in sunny areas the leaves burn out due to burns received.

The Rainforest Sunrise host is often used for carpet plantings. At the same time, large leaves drown out the growth of weeds, thus clearing the area around them. The variety of varieties makes it possible to create magnificent carpet patterns.

Hosta Rainforest Sunrise blooms in July-August

Breeding methods

Hosta "Rainforest Sunrise" reproduces by dividing the bush, seeds and cuttings.

Dividing a bush is the simplest and proven method. This can be done at any time of the year, but it is advisable to do it in the spring before active growth or in September, so that the “delenki” can take root.

Young plants find it difficult to tolerate this procedure; it is not advised to divide bushes under 5 years old. The procedure itself looks like this: carefully dig out the host "Rainforest Sunrise", divide it into parts with a knife so that each one contains at least one kidney. After "delenki" transplanted to open ground.

It is advisable to carry out cuttings in the summer. Why choose shoots with small leaves or those left over from division with parts of the root system. A part of the leaf (approximately 1/4) is cut off from the cutting, this will reduce the evaporation of moisture. Then it is planted in a slightly darkened area and covered with a liter jar.

When cutting a cutting, there must be 4-5 sheets on it.

Planting seed will make it possible to get many bushes at the same time. But seedlings cannot retain varietal characteristics. It is best to treat the material with a growth activator before planting.

Attention! Growing the hosta "Rainforest Sunrise" from seeds, the decorative effect of the flower can be obtained only after 5 years.

Landing algorithm

In its natural environment, the bush grows in open sunny places, in the floodplains of reservoirs. The host Rainforest Sunrise does not like being in the shade. It is best to choose a site for growing - an area that is more darkened at the end of the day. The land is required to be moderately moist. In summer, large leaves evaporate a lot of moisture; during a shortage of it, the plant acquires a brown tint.

When choosing a site for planting, you need to take into account the color of the leaves:

  1. Yellowish, white and gold hues on the leaf blades indicate that the flower needs more sun, but not direct sunlight. It is advisable to choose a place where the sun is dominated by the sutra, and most of the time the host is in the shade of other plants. In direct sunlight, the bush will burn out, and in the shade it will be green.
  2. Blue varieties can be planted under apricots and peaches. This neighborhood will not create permanent shade, but will protect the leaves from the sun.

You need to plant seedlings in March, before the start of intensive root growth.

Sometimes the hosta is planted in September, so the bush can take root until frost. At this time, it is advised to divide and plant the host "Rainforest Sunrise" - its roots are arranged in such a way that September is best suited for this.

The bush is undemanding to the ground, but if the hosta grows on poor land, then it is better to fertilize it with complex baits. Wood ash can be used. Peat is added to the sandy soil, this will help to maintain moisture and prevent the washing out of useful elements.

Planting material is divided into several types: with closed and open roots. In the latter case, the bush is planted simultaneously with a lump of earth, in the first case, the roots are bare.

The hole needs to be made a little wider and deeper than when planting the seedling roots. Groundbait is added to the bottom. The growth bud is left above ground level. After planting, the soil is lightly tamped and watered with the bush.

Before planting, the hosts dig up the plot and bring in a bucket of humus

Growing rules

The host "Rainforest Sunrise" is not very demanding in care, however, in order for the plant to fully develop, certain conditions must be observed:

  1. The bush has superficial roots, so they can be damaged during loosening. To prevent this from happening, you need to use mulching (bark, sawdust, peat, straw). It allows you to preserve moisture and looseness of the soil.
  2. Periodic moderate irrigation. The Rainforest Sunrise host is hygrophilous, but does not tolerate excessive moisture. Watering is necessary directly under the root system, avoiding contact with the leaves.
  3. Near young bushes it is occasionally necessary to remove weeds, however, growing, the host can get rid of it on its own.
  4. Since young plants are planted in fertile soil, groundbait is not required in the first year, especially with timely mulching. Subsequently, the bushes are fed with complex compounds several times over the summer. Since autumn, the bait is completed, so the hosta is prepared for wintering.
  5. First, young peduncles are cut, otherwise the plant will "fall apart".
  6. After 5 years, the Rainforest Sunrise host needs to be split and transplanted. This will rejuvenate the mother shrub and help provide new planting material.

Preparing for winter

To protect the bush from frost until next spring, it is advisable to cover it with spruce branches.With the arrival of spring heat, everyone removes and cultivates the land from insects.

Do not fertilize the host with Rainforest Sunrise in the fall, otherwise the bush will freeze. The last groundbait is carried out before the beginning of September. In November, the land is mulched with organic matter. This will protect the host from freezing.

You can use hay, peat, sawdust. To prevent harmful insects from appearing in the mulch, it can be treated with tobacco dust or Fitosporin.

Proper cover will allow plants to easily endure even severe frosts.

Diseases and pests

The main pests of the Rainforest Sunrise hosts:

  • on frostbitten bushes, you can notice phyllosticosis - yellow spots on the leaf plate. This host needs to be cut and burned, and the ground in this area must be disinfected;
  • leaves are infected with rot, it can be removed with fungicides, which include the active ingredient folpet;
  • often white cotton wool is visible on the root collar - sclerotinia fungus, it is fought with the help of "Dichloran";
  • if holes began to appear on the foliage, it means that the bush is damaged by slugs. You can fight these pests by placing containers with beer;
  • the host is infected with nematodes. They can be identified by yellowish specks between the veins on the foliage. This is the most dangerous enemy of the plant, you cannot get rid of it. No remedy can remove nematode larvae. The only way is to cut bushes within a radius of three meters. You also need to prepare preparations that will allow you to deal with caterpillars, bugs and grasshoppers.


Hosta Rainforest Sunrise is perfect for decorating summer cottages. These plants are planted on beds, in groups or singly on the lawn, used as border flowers near paths.


Elena Makarova, 37 years old, Samara
Hosta is the most unpretentious plant to care for. It can grow on any type of soil, the bushes like shade and moisture more, but they develop normally in sunny areas. I have never watered or fertilized my plants. They grow in the country like weeds, only from time to time I dig in the ground.
Victoria Rubel, 42 years old, Moscow
The host "Rainforest Sunrise" does not need special care, does not like weeds, but responds positively to irrigation and loose soil. The main enemies of the plant are slugs. They eat the foliage. They also spoiled our bush.
Anna Chernysheva, 29 years old, Sochi
The Rainforest Sunrise host can do well in open areas and in the shade, and grows even in tall weeds. But if the site is well-groomed, it looks attractive. We grow striped hosta, it does not grow in the best place, but it can only be transplanted after 5 years.

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