Herbicides against weeds of continuous and selective action

Weed control herbicides allow you to get rid of unwanted plants on the site. Weeds take useful substances from the soil and become a favorable environment for the development of diseases. Which herbicides to choose depends on the method of their application and the type of crops being treated. The preparations are used to treat the soil or the plants themselves.

Preparations of continuous and selective action

The work of herbicides can be aimed at destruction vegetation of any kind. Such substances have a continuous effect and are used to completely clean the soil.

Continuous herbicides are used before planting or after harvesting. The rating of drugs of this type is as follows:

  • Tornado - the most popular herbicide that can penetrate the stems and leaves of weeds, and then infect their root system. As a result, the synthesis of amino acids stops, and the plant dies. The tornado is used to control wheatgrass, bindweed, and reeds. The substance does not accumulate in the soil, therefore, after processing, you can start planting plants.
  • Agrokiller - a herbicide of continuous action, destroying hogweed, wheatgrass, small shrubs. Due to the high concentration of components, Agrokiller effectively copes with vegetation. The drug is used in spring or early summer. Due to the sap flow in the plant, the agent quickly spreads and begins to act. The substance has no soil activity. Planting processing can be carried out at any temperature.
  • Antiburian - a product that is effective against 300 species of perennial weeds. Antiburyan does not accumulate in the soil and copes with plants during the period of active growth. The treatment is carried out at a temperature above 12 ° C, if there has been no rain for 5 hours. The components of the preparation do not accumulate in the soil and do not disturb crop rotation.

Selective herbicides work only on certain plants and do not harm other crops. Such substances can have a narrow direction of use, for example, the destruction of chicken millet. Some of their varieties are able to protect wheat, rye and other cereals from weeds.

Selective herbicides include:

  • Lapis lazuli - a herbicide for protecting potatoes from weeds. The action of the drug is aimed at combating weeds, and there is no harmful effect on potato planting. For 1 hundred square meters with potatoes, 10 g of lapis lazuli and 3 liters of water are taken. The solution is absorbed by the root system, which leads to the destruction of weeds at all stages of development. Lazurite is valid for up to 2 months.
  • Lontrel - a weed control agent with a selective effect. The drug is used against weeds growing in strawberries: dandelion, plantain, chamomile, etc. Lontrel is applied by spraying, after which the active substances penetrate the leaves and spread throughout the plant. As a result, the ground part and roots of the weed die in 3-4 weeks. The active ingredients do not accumulate in the soil and do not harm strawberries.
  • Hacker - a preparation that helps to remove weeds in beds with cabbage, beets and rapeseed. After getting on the leaves, the substance passes into the root system. The Hacker begins in 2 hours. Withering of plant organisms occurs already after 13 hours. The protective properties of the substance are preserved during the growing season.The procedure is not recommended if the temperature has dropped to + 10 ° C.

Soil and leaf matter

Weed control herbicides can be used in two ways: by applying to the soil or by spraying the plants.

Soil preparations remain on the surface of the ground and create a layer that prevents weeds from growing. The most common types of soil herbicides are:

  • Zenkor - means against annuals and cereals. The drug is used before and after the growth of weeds. Zenkor protects crops for 6 weeks or more. The tool is used for processing plantings with tomatoes, potatoes.
  • Panther - a drug against annual and perennial cereal-type weeds (chicken millet, sorghum, wheatgrass). The herbicide is used in the beds where potatoes, tomatoes, beets, onions, carrots grow. The active substances penetrate into plant tissues within an hour. The first results of using the Panther are noticeable after 3 days. The panther is used after the emergence of the main crop.
  • Aztec - a soil-type herbicide against dicotyledonous plants on sunflower and corn plantations. The drug is applied immediately after sowing before the emergence of crop shoots. Its action lasts for 8 weeks. The active components decompose in the soil and do not affect the crops grown.

Leaf preparations are used after the weeds begin to germinate. After getting them on the shoots, the processes that ensure the life of the plants are blocked. Effective foliar herbicides are:

  • Arsenal - a tool that has a continuous effect. It is used on non-agricultural lands for the destruction of cereal plants and shrubs. The drug is used by spraying. Plants absorb the substance within an hour. The effect of its use lasts for several years.
  • Chistopol - a herbicide of continuous action, allowing to protect plantings of various crops. The procedure is performed at temperatures above + 12 ° C. The tool is able to cope with shrubs and small trees. Work with the soil should be carried out no earlier than 2 weeks after applying the drug. During this time, the substance will reach the root system of the weeds.
  • Granstar - a remedy for dicotyledonous weeds that can stop plant cell division. The first results after using Granstar appear after 5 days, the final death of weeds occurs on day 10. In warm weather with high humidity, the effect of the product is enhanced. Granstar protects plantings of wheat, oats, barley, spring crops.

Contact and systemic drugs

Contact herbicides destroy vegetation after direct contact with it. After their application, the leaves of the weeds dry out, however, the root system continues to exist. Contact types of herbicides are:

  • Dry wind is a preparation used for the treatment of potatoes, grain crops, corn, sunflowers. The dry wind destroys annual weeds, is resistant to rain and facilitates the harvesting process. An additional effect of its use is the prevention of potato and sunflower diseases. Dry wind dries plants up to 7 days. At temperatures below + 13 ° C, the effectiveness of the drug decreases.
  • Dinoseb - a tool that has a selective effect. The herbicide removes weeds in the beds after the emergence of clover, flax and peas. The product is used on plantations of beans, peas and beans before their shoots appear. Dinoseb works well on annual weeds in the early stages of development.

Systemic substances penetrate into weed tissues and completely destroy plants. The best representatives of these herbicides are:

  • Buran - a preparation that allows you to get rid of weeds, shrubs and reeds.Suitable for processing fields or vegetable gardens in the private sector before planting various crops. Buran does not penetrate into plant tissues through the soil. The tool works at a positive temperature. Processing does not interfere with the crop rotation process.
  • Furore - a herbicide used after the emergence of seedlings of beets, carrots, rapeseed, cabbage, sunflower. The drug is effective against annual weeds cereal type. The agent is absorbed by weeds and accumulates in them. When growth points die off, they stop developing. The first result of using Furore appears after 10 days. Weeds die within 3 weeks.
  • Roundup - a systemic drug that can penetrate into plant tissues. The tool blocks the life processes of plants, which leads to their death. The effect of using Roundup appears on the 4th-5th day. The agent is used against cereal weeds in plantings with vegetable crops.

Terms of use

The effectiveness of herbicides against weeds largely depends on their correct use:

  • work is carried out in dry weather in the absence of wind;
  • useful plants are covered with a film to protect them from harmful effects;
  • on a flower bed, it is better to apply the substance to the weeds with a brush;
  • the effect of substances can last for 2 weeks, therefore, re-processing is allowed no earlier than this period;
  • processing is carried out after the main culture is sufficiently strong;
  • in the course of work, respiratory and skin protection means are used;
  • after using herbicides, it is not recommended to visit the site for several days;
  • the most effective means to cope with weeds in the early stages of development;
  • dosage and order of application should be in accordance with the instructions.


Weed treatment with herbicides promotes the growth of major crops, reduces humidity and avoids the development of diseases. When choosing drugs, the method of their effect on weeds is taken into account. Planting can be processed before or after germination. The agent can act on soil or plant organisms. In this case, the rules for the use of herbicides must be followed.

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