Tomato African liana: reviews + photos

The African liana tomato is a mid-season variety that is recommended to be grown indoors, in a greenhouse. In the process of ripening, fruits of a rich raspberry color appear, in appearance they resemble a large elongated plum with a slight sharpness at the end. This variety is distinguished by excellent taste, long-term storage and attractive appearance. Some growers note that the ripe African Liana tomato resembles a bright heart.

Description of tomato African liana

Tomatoes of the African Liana variety are classified as mid-season varieties. A distinctive feature is the tallness of the bushes. This species is an indeterminate variety that was bred by breeders in Canada. As a rule, it is recommended to practice growing fruit in a greenhouse.

The bush grows thin, capable of reaching a height of 2 m, therefore it needs support. This is due to the fact that it can easily break under the weight of ripe fruits. Leaves grow of the usual type, thin. It is necessary to carry out pinching at the moment when 2 full-fledged stems are formed.

Attention! The original name of the African liana tomatoes is African Vining.

Description and taste of fruits

Ripe fruits weigh on average about 120-180 g, cases have been recorded when the maximum weight of a tomato was 400 g. The peel of a ripe African Liana tomato variety has a rich pink color, and raspberry shades can also be found.

Some experienced gardeners note that a ripe fruit resembles a heart in appearance, but in most cases it can be compared to an elongated plum. Tomatoes grow medium to large in size. The seed chambers contain a small amount of seeds.

It is worth noting that the pulp is quite fleshy, in the context of a rich red color. Ripe tomatoes of the African Liana variety are distinguished by their delicate skin and sweet taste, which contains pineapple shades.

Since tomatoes are versatile, they can be used for canning. Great for making salads - fruits can be cut. Unfortunately, due to the small amount of juice, it is not possible to use the variety for making tomato juice and puree. In cooking, they are used for preparing first courses, salads, tomato soups.

Important! Harvesting begins 100-110 days after planting planting material in greenhouses.

Varietal characteristics

If we consider the varietal characteristics of African liana tomatoes, then it is worth noting the following points:

  • the variety is mid-season, as a result of which you can start harvesting the finished crop 100-110 days after planting seedlings in greenhouses;
  • ripe fruits can be removed in late autumn;
  • ripe fruit weight varies within 130-180 g, maximum weight is 400 g;
  • this variety is indeterminate;
  • the formation is carried out in 2-3 stems;
  • it is recommended to grow only indoors - in greenhouses;
  • bushes can grow up to 2 m in height;
  • fruits of a rich pink or raspberry hue;
  • excellent taste;
  • attractive appearance;
  • due to its versatility, it can not only be consumed fresh, but also used for canning;
  • is highly resistant to many types of diseases and pests:
  • a small amount of seeds.

If you provide the planting material with proper care and timely fertilize and fertilize, you can get a good harvest.

Pros and cons of the variety

Unfortunately, despite the fruitful work of breeders around the world, so far not a single variety has been bred that has no disadvantages.

If the essence of the photo and reviews, then the African liana tomato has the following advantages, which are the main ones:

  • ripe fruits have excellent taste;
  • bushes grow tall, tomatoes are quite large;
  • the harvested crop, if necessary, can be stored for a long period of time, while the appearance and taste will not be lost;
  • when growing seedlings, a small number of stepsons are formed;
  • the ripening period is quite long, as a result of which fresh tomatoes can be harvested until late autumn;
  • tomatoes of the African Liana variety are distinguished by a high level of resistance to many types of diseases and pests.

Despite such a large list of advantages, African liana tomatoes also have a list of some disadvantages. Among them it is worth noting:

  • yield, for these varieties of tomatoes it is average, but excellent taste and versatility of ripe fruits compensate for this disadvantage;
  • in most cases, the African liana is recommended to be grown in a greenhouse;
  • since the bushes grow quite tall, they must be tied up, otherwise the bushes may break under the weight of the fruit.

Before you start purchasing seeds, you should first study all the advantages and disadvantages of the selected tomato variety.

Advice! To get high yields, it is necessary to provide quality care for the African Liana tomatoes.

Planting and care rules

To obtain a high yield, it is worth providing the African liana tomatoes with proper and high-quality care. In the process of growth, you will need:

  • apply fertilizers;
  • water the bushes in a timely manner;
  • mulch the soil;
  • remove weeds;
  • take care of the supports;
  • carry out prophylaxis to prevent the appearance of diseases and pests.

Only in this way can you get a high yield with excellent taste.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

As a rule, it is recommended to sow seeds 65 days before the intended planting of seedlings in a permanent place of growth. Before sowing, it is worth disinfecting the seeds. This will require:

  1. Prepare a weak solution with the addition of potassium permanganate - the water should turn out to be a pale pink color.
  2. Rinse the seeds in this solution.
  3. Dry the seeds.
  4. Place in refrigerator for several days to harden.
  5. After that, it should be placed in a solution of succinic acid for 48 hours.

It is recommended to plant in containers filled with a mixture in a 1: 1 ratio of peat and fertile soil. As soon as the first shoots have sprung up, a pick is carried out using pots with a volume of 0.5 liters or more.

Transplanting seedlings

After about 60-65 days have passed after sowing the seeds, it is necessary to start planting the seedlings in the greenhouse. To do this, you must first dig up the ground in the greenhouse, apply fertilizer and prepare the holes.

It is important to consider that for each square. m it is allowed to plant no more than 4 tomato bushes. In order for the root system to develop well, and there were many roots, it is worth planting at a slight slope.

Since the bushes grow up to 2 m, you can take care of the support in advance and install it immediately during planting seedlings. During the growing season, top dressing is applied monthly up to 2 times. To do this, use a mullein solution (for 5 liters of water, 0.5 liters of mullein).

Tomato care

To get a good yield, you should definitely pinch the bushes, which will drown out the plantings. Even if the stepsons are dry, they should still be removed, while there should be no stumps.

Watering should be systematic, regular, and the land should not be swampy and dry. It is worth applying fertilizers and top dressing every month, as a result of which a high yield can be achieved.

So that the moisture does not evaporate so much, but weeds grew slower, it is worth mulching the ground around tomato bushes. In addition, it is important to remember about the supports, since the bushes can easily break under the weight of ripe fruits.


The African liana tomato grows well in indoor conditions and gives a good harvest. It is important to take into account that in the process of growth, the bushes must be tied up, a support system must be organized. This is necessary so that the bush is able to grow up to 2 m in height and under the weight of ripe fruits, the thin trunk breaks. Since tomatoes are versatile, they can be used for canning or eaten fresh.


Ignat Trofimov, 57 years old, Moscow
I have been growing African Liana tomatoes for several years in a greenhouse. For a long time I studied reviews and descriptions of mid-season tomatoes, and this variety attracted attention. I was very pleased that ripe fruits are large in size, fruiting is annual and abundant. When compared with other tomatoes, the size is average, the shape resembles a heart. If you cut a ripe fruit, you can see the pink flesh. Tomatoes are quite mouth-watering, with excellent taste. There are few seeds in the seed chambers. Due to the fact that the fruits are versatile, they can be used for canning and for fresh consumption.
Tatiana Strelnikova, 39 years old, Tver
Tomatoes African liana advised me to plant a neighbor. She was engaged in growing seedlings herself - from seeds. After that, she transferred the planting material to a permanent place - in the open ground. Since the bushes are quite tall, we had to install supports so that the bushes do not break under the weight of ripe fruits. There is a small amount of leaves on the bushes, but just in case I removed the stepsons. The yield is high. Tomatoes are quite tasty, ripe, sweet. Ripening was simultaneous, fruits of the same size.

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