Radish Red giant: description, photo, reviews

Radish Red Giant is a cultivar, a distinctive feature of which is the elongated cylindrical shape of root crops, like carrots, and their impressive size. The radish pulp is sweet, dense, without voids. The variety was bred by the Far Eastern Experimental Station of the All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Production. You can plant the Red Giant radish both in the open and in protected ground. Fresh root vegetables are consumed, as an independent dish, and also used to prepare snacks and salads.

Description of the Red Giant radish

Radish Red Giant is a mid-season cold-resistant high-yielding variety for spring and autumn cultivation. Suitable for greenhouse, film and soil cultivation. The variety is resistant to most diseases of radish, in particular to flowering. Root crops are large, with juicy pulp that does not fade for a long time.

Main characteristics

Plant height

10-14 cm


spreading, erect

Socket diameter

22-27 cm

The number of leaves in the bush

6-12 pcs.


whole, medium pubescent, oblong-oval, dark green

Root shape

long cylindrical


dark pink with white transverse grooves and a white tip

Pulp color




Root weight

50-150 g


13-15 cm

Root diameter

2.4-3.7 cm


dense, crispy, juicy, tender


spicy, slightly spicy, without bitterness


The period of ripening of the "Red Giant" radish is 40-50 days from germination to technical maturity. The marketable yield of the variety is high, on average - 2.5-4.3 kg / m2. To obtain a decent harvest for this garden crop, it is necessary to provide a sufficient level of illumination and humidity. Also, an important factor is the observance of crop rotation.

Comment! The variety does not tolerate high temperature conditions, so it will not be possible to get a good harvest when sowing in summer (in the heat). Root vegetables will grow tough and taste bitter.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Red Giant radish variety has a number of advantages, among which are the following:

  • cold resistance;
  • the ability to germinate at low temperatures;
  • high productivity;
  • resistance to shooting;
  • keeping quality;
  • resistance to flowering and damage by cruciferous flea beetles.

Disadvantages of the variety:

  • long ripening period;
  • average resistance to some types of diseases and pests.

Planting and care rules

The Red Giant variety belongs to the group of plants with long daylight hours. Accordingly, with a day length of more than 14 hours, the radish begins to shoot. Instead of root crops, plants grow green mass, bloom quickly and form seeds. Therefore, at the very peak of the summer season, it will not work to grow a good harvest.

To obtain root crops, sowing seeds should be carried out in such a way that the plants grow and develop in a short light period. Based on this, the best time to plant is early spring or late summer.

Advice! Immediately after planting, the beds can be covered with black foil (for 10-12 days). It should be opened at 8-9 am, closed at 18-19 pm in order to artificially reduce the daylight hours to 10-12 hours. Thus, the growth energy of the plant will be directed towards the formation of root crops.

The main care for the Red Giant radish is the timely implementation of such agrotechnical measures as:

  • watering;
  • loosening;
  • thinning;
  • top dressing.

Recommended timing

When growing radish of the Red Giant variety in the open field, sowing seeds can be carried out several times per season.

The following landing dates are recommended:

  1. At the very beginning of spring. Spring planting begins immediately after the snow melts. To get the earliest possible harvest, you can use shelters - hotbeds and greenhouses.
  2. Late May, early June. You can set aside those beds for crops on which lettuce or onions on a feather grew in spring.
  3. Early July.
  4. Late summer, early autumn (August-September).
Advice! The earliest harvest can be obtained by sowing radish seeds in the winter. On average 2 weeks earlier than with spring sowing.

But, do not forget that under unfavorable weather conditions in the spring-winter period, plants sown before winter can simply bloom without tying root crops.

When growing the Red Giant radish (pictured) in closed ground (greenhouses and hotbeds), it is recommended to sow seeds during the following periods:

  • February-April;
  • August-November.

Site selection and preparation of beds

The red giant is a cold-resistant variety, therefore, when planting in spring, you do not need to allocate a separate bed for it. Radish may simply act as a precursor for more thermophilic crops. Before the time of their landing in the ground, the radishes will have time to ripen. The main thing is that the site is well lit in the morning and evening. At lunchtime, the sun is contraindicated, as it will provoke excessive growth of tops.

The soil of the Krasny Giant radish variety prefers sandy loam, slightly acidic (pH 5.5-7.0). It must be loose, otherwise the roots may crack. The soil for spring planting is prepared in the fall, by introducing decomposed compost and humus. Mineral fertilizers are also added - superphosphate, potassium salt. Then the bed is leveled with a rake.

Attention! When growing radishes with elongated roots, which in particular include the Red Giant variety, it is necessary to carefully prepare the soil. The soil should be ideally cultivated to a depth of 18-20 cm.

Autumn radish of the Red Giant variety is grown mainly in repeated plantings. In this case, they begin to prepare the soil immediately after harvesting the predecessor.

Landing algorithm

Red radish Giant, judging by the photo, refers to large-fruited varieties that are recommended to be sown according to the following scheme:

Number of lines in the feed

8-10 pcs.



between the lines

10-15 cm

between plants in a row

5-8 cm

between ribbons

40-50 cm

The seeding rate of radish seeds is 1.0-1.2 g / m2 (in 1 g - 110-130 pcs.). Summer crops, unlike spring crops, need more light during the day, so crops should be more sparse. It is recommended to soak the planting material for 12 hours before sowing. Planting is best done in cool, wet weather.

Step-by-step planting process:

  1. Make grooves and compact their bottom.
  2. Spill with water.
  3. Spread out the seeds.
  4. Fill the grooves with soil.

The seeding depth is 1.5-2.5 cm. Excessive deepening can provoke deformation of root crops.

Advice! When sowing large areas, it is recommended to calibrate the seeds by size (into small and large specimens). They should be planted separately to get uniform and friendly shoots.

Growing features

The optimum air temperature for growing radish is 16-20 ° C. In this case, the formation of root crops can occur even at 12-14 ° C. The Red Giant does not like the shadow and thickened plantings.

When growing autumn radishes, special attention should be paid to soil moisture. In early spring, soil moisture is usually sufficient for the full development and growth of the Red Giant radish. In summer and autumn, a lack of water in the ground can lead to the formation of rough, bitter and dry fruits.Changes in humidity provoke the formation of constrictions on root crops.


The Red Giant radish needs regular but moderate watering. With insufficient moisture, roots will grow hollow, dry and pungent in taste. Whereas with an excess of moisture, they can simply rot. Therefore, the flow of moisture into the soil must be regulated and dosed.

Comment! The first watering is carried out immediately after sowing the seeds. The soil must be loosened after each watering.

Early and premature flowering can be prevented by watering no more than 2-3 times a week, in small portions. Thus, the temperature of the soil will decrease. At the same time, it is important to monitor the moisture level by watering the beds as they dry out. In hot weather, it may be necessary to water daily. Radish of the Red Giant variety has a highly developed root system, which should be taken into account when watering.

Watering depth

after sowing

up to 8 cm

since the formation of root crops

up to 15 cm

You can water the radish with clean water, herbal infusions, ash and tobacco solutions. Watering is preferable to combine with preventive soil treatment against pests and diseases. The last time the plants are watered a few hours before harvest, which will allow the fruits to be stored longer and remain juicy.


Basically, when sowing the Red Giant radish, a frequent sowing method is used. Thus, germination increases, it is easier for sprouts to break through and they are not drowned out by weeds. As a result, crops often come out thickened. Saplings begin to fight among themselves for water, light and nutrients necessary for full development. As a result, the roots grow small and misshapen.

Therefore, crops need subsequent thinning, which is carried out at least twice per season:

  1. 5 days after germination, so that the shoots do not stretch out from the shade. At the same time, the leaves take a horizontal position, which prevents arrowing. The optimum spacing between shoots should be 2-3 cm.
  2. 1 month after sowing. The distance between seedlings should be at least 5-6 cm. At the same time, it is recommended to weed the beds to remove weeds and improve aeration.
Advice! When carrying out the first thinning, shoots with expanded cotyledon leaves (except for small and weak ones) can be transplanted to another place. When thinning again, the radishes can already be eaten.

Basic Rules:

  1. Thinning is carried out in the evening, after watering.
  2. Hold the soil around the sprout with one hand, pull it out of the ground with the other.
  3. After thinning, the soil must be compacted.
  4. Crops must be watered with water.

Top dressing

Feeding the Red Giant radish should be done with caution, since root crops have the ability to accumulate nitrates. You should be especially careful about chemicals.

The main fertilization is carried out in the fall. During digging, organic fertilizers are introduced into the soil. In the spring, just before planting, a mineral complex is added.

Fertile soils do not need organic fertilizers. It will be quite enough to be introduced in the fall of the previous year. If necessary, a mineral complex can be added to the soil.

Composition (per 1 m2):

  • superphosphate - 30-40 g;
  • ammonium nitrate - 30-40 g;
  • potassium salt - 40 g.

On poor soils, apply (per 1 m2):

  • humus or compost - 1 bucket;
  • garden mixture - 40 g.

Pests and diseases

Radish The Red Giant is affected by the same pests and diseases as other cruciferous crops.

Diseases and pests

Causes and symptoms

Downy mildew

With waterlogged plantings and poor ventilation

Black spot

Appears frequently during rainy periods, affecting seeds and pods


Manifested by growths on the roots

Cabbage fly

Damages root vegetables


Affects seedlings in greenhouses with waterlogging and lack of ventilation

Comment! It is not recommended to sow radish in autumn after cruciferous crops (daikon, radish, cabbage, horseradish). They have similar diseases that are transmitted through soil. The best precursors are garlic, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, peas, and beans.


You can plant the Red Giant radish in spring and summer, while getting quite large and tasty and healthy roots. The variety is versatile and quite unpretentious in care. It is popular with gardeners due to its excellent marketability, high yield and suitability for long-term storage.


Olga, 39 years old, Moscow region
I grow radishes in a greenhouse. One of my favorite varieties is the Red Giant. It ripens for a long time, so it is not very suitable for spring, when you want to get a harvest of fresh vegetables as soon as possible. But it grows very large and juicy. In addition, this radish is stored very well, for a long time, remaining juicy. You can lay root crops in the cellar for the winter. According to the reviews of many gardeners, the Red Giant radish variety can be stored for up to 4 months without losing its taste.
Irina, 56 years old, Kaluga
Shoyu Red Giant radish every year, and in spring and autumn. It is distinguished by excellent taste. Despite the fact that now there are many different varieties, I prefer this one, proven by many years of experience. First, it doesn't require a lot of space to grow it. A decent harvest can be obtained from a small plot, since the fruits of this variety are very large. Secondly, radish can be consumed for a long time without worrying that it will become tough, sharp and hollow.

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