How to Grow Bell Pepper

Today no one will be surprised by red, yellow, green or white bell pepper... The shape of the peppers is also different: from cuboid to elongated, conical. Among all the variety of varieties, Bell pepper stands out favorably, the fruit of which resembles a flower bud. This plant is unique and belongs to the rare group of berry peppers. The Bell appeared in South America, where it is very popular to this day. In Russia, an amazing flower pepper began to be grown quite recently, but it is quickly gaining popularity, decorating more and more dachas and suburban areas with its exotic look.

You can learn about the properties and characteristics of berry pepper, about its benefits for the human body from this article. It will also tell you how to grow Bell Pepper and how to care for it.

Characteristics and useful properties

Probably everyone knows about the benefits of sweet and hot peppers. The fruits of both crops contain a lot of vitamins, essential oils, sugars and acids, antioxidants and carotenes: all of this has a very beneficial effect on the human body, therefore, pepper is recommended for almost everyone.

The uniqueness of the Kolokolchik variety lies not only in the exotic form of its fruits, but also in the combination of opposite tastes. The fact is that the upper part of the fruit, which is located near the stalk, has acute taste and resembles a piquant bitter pepper. Below, where the fruit expands, creating a semblance of a flower, the walls of the pepper become thicker, fleshy, and the taste of the pulp acquires sweet and sour notes, it is very fragrant and pleasant.

Important! It turns out that the fruits of the Kolokolchik variety combine the qualities of both hot and sweet peppers: having grown one plant, you can enjoy an unusual taste and get great benefits from it.

The description of the Bell pepper variety is as follows:

  • tall perennial bush, reaching a height of two meters;
  • the plant is spreading, well leafy;
  • the leaves in shape and size resemble hot pepper leaves, but they, like the stem, are covered with a small fluff;
  • the Bell variety belongs to late-ripening - the fruits will turn red only by 130-140 days after sowing the seeds;
  • the yield at the Bell is high - up to two kilograms from each bush;
  • the fruits are first colored dark green, then turn orange; at the stage of full maturity, the pepper has a deep red hue;
  • the fruit changes color from green to red in just a week;
  • the shape of the pepper is very original - the fruit looks like a bell flower;
  • the size of the bell fruit can be different - from 30 to 100 grams;
  • you can use a spicy bell in fresh form, this pepper is suitable for preparing salads, decorating ready-made dishes, canning in general;
  • you can grow a variety of hot sweet peppers in the open field, in greenhouses, in tubs or pots;
  • in general, the taste of the flower-fruit is spicy, delicate, spicy-sweet, with a noticeable sourness and a strongly pronounced aroma;
  • fruits on the bushes are located separately, each pepper has its own stalk;
  • bell bushes must be formed by removing stepchildren and pinching the tops of the shoots;
  • the sprawling tall bushes of the Bellflower will become a real decoration for the garden, veranda, balcony or gazebo;
  • Red Bell is susceptible to the same diseases as other varieties of bell pepper: excessive moisture is contraindicated for it, the plant does not like low temperatures and too hot sun.

Advice! Seeds of the Kolokolchik variety are not so easy to find on sale - so far, Russian agricultural firms are not engaged in their production. But those who are interested in a spicy variety can look for planting material from amateur gardeners.

Benefit and harm

Red bell pepper is not only tasty, it is also incredibly useful, because it combines the properties of both hot and sweet varieties. For the body, the Bell has the following benefits:

  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • has a beneficial effect on the heart;
  • removes "bad" cholesterol from the body;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • strengthens bones, nails, hair;
  • stimulates brain activity;
  • improves vision;
  • relieves stress, relieves insomnia and bad mood;
  • due to the large amount of vitamin C, bell pepper enhances the immune system.

The fruits of sweet-bitter pepper do not carry any harm. The only thing, fresh peppers should be eaten with caution by those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Growing rules

It is necessary to grow the Bell in the same way as the usual Bulgarian varieties. Bitter pepper The bell can be planted in beds, tubs, or greenhouses. Growing should start with seed preparation.

Advice! The best germination rate is possessed by seeds that were harvested five years ago. It is better not to sow fresh seeds.


The growing season of sweet pepper is five months, so the seeds are sown at the end of January or at the beginning of February. Seedling containers can be plastic. Small holes should be made in the bottom of cups or containers to drain excess moisture. The containers are filled with a mixture of soil and wood ash, 1/3 of the volume should remain free (as in the photo).

For normal germination, the soil temperature should be 20-23 degrees, therefore, for the first time, the seedlings of the flower-pepper are removed to a very warm place. When shoots appear, you can rearrange the cups on the windowsill or on the table. For active development, a thermophilic variety needs a lot of light, so the seedlings will have to be illuminated.

Bell peppers, including Bell, do not tolerate transplanting well. therefore the process of picking seedlings is best avoided. For this, the seeds are immediately sown in disposable individual cups or leave a sufficient distance between them in common containers.

Attention! If the seedlings of bell pepper still had to dive, you need to do it very carefully, trying not to damage the delicate and fragile roots. During transplantation, the Bell's roots are not pinched!

Sprinkle pepper seedlings sparingly, use only warm water. On good sunny days, Bellflower seedlings can be taken outside or on a balcony so that they gradually harden.

Peppers are planted in the ground when the ground warms up well and the threat of frost has passed. The landing site is sunny, sheltered from the wind. The soil on the site must be fertile - pepper loves it.

Planting is carried out in the evening or in cloudy weather. The distance between the holes should be at least 40-50 cm (although usually one Bell bush is enough for the gardener). It is recommended to pour a handful of wood ash into each planting hole so that the soil is loose and moisture-absorbing. After planting, the flower pepper is watered with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate.

Advice! It is better to mulch the planted bell peppers. Mulch will protect the roots from overheating and help to retain moisture.

In cold regions, immediately after planting, it is better to cover the Bellflower seedlings with foil or grow peppers in tubs that can be brought into the heat in case of a cold snap.


You need to take care of the Bell variety in the same way as for simple bell peppers. The only difference is that a bush of a spicy-sweet variety will have to be shaped.

So, you should take care of the plantings of a spicy bell pepper like this:

  1. When the bushes bloom, they pinch all the lateral shoots that are below the first formed ovary.
  2. Subsequently, the gardener must regularly remove all stepchildren whose growth is directed vertically.
  3. The bush branches on its own, but a month and a half before the end of the warm season, the gardener pinches all the shoots growing at that moment. This will allow the pepper to ripen.
  4. Bell pepper is watered only with warm water. Frequent watering can harm the plant, so the amount of moisture is controlled.
  5. The soil around the flower pepper is loosened and removed weeds.
  6. Before flowering, it is better to treat the bushes with fungicidal preparations, to carry out prophylaxis against pests.
  7. Fertilize the Bell three times a season. 10-14 days after planting, the seedlings are fertilized with mullein diluted in water. During the flowering period, pepper can be fed with a solution of wood ash, and after another two to three weeks, mineral components can be added: calcium, potassium, phosphorus.
  8. You can also pick fruits green - in this state, they are sweeter. The pungency accumulates in the pepper literally in a week, until it turns from green to red.

The Bell variety is perennial, the trunk of this pepper tends to become woody, and the leaves fall from the bushes as the temperature decreases. In order not to plant spicy peppers again next year, you can transplant the bushes into tubs and bring them into the house for the winter or on a warm balcony. In the spring, the plants will bud again, the leaves will grow, the bell pepper will form new fruits.

Attention! The bell can bear fruit until the first frost.


Sviridova V.G., Tula
I really liked the description of Bell Pepper that I once found on the Internet. The most difficult thing was to find the seeds, in the end I ordered them in the online store. Of the 15 seeds obtained, 12. It was a lot for me, I had to distribute a few bushes to neighbors and friends. She immediately planted the bell in tubs and decorated a new gazebo with them. The bushes grew up to two meters, were very lush and beautiful. The pepper is beautiful both during the flowering period, and when the fruits began to turn yellow, then turn red: from late summer to mid-autumn, the bushes were covered with many green, orange and red bells. We also liked the taste of this pepper: its pulp is very juicy, aromatic, sour-sweet, moderately bitter. We ate the pepper fresh, some part of it was pickled as a whole (we haven't tried it yet!). For the winter, I brought the tubs to the veranda. I will distribute the collected seeds to everyone.


Reviews about the Bell variety are only positive: gardeners admire decorative the appearance of this pepper, its unusual taste and unpretentiousness. There is nothing difficult in growing this variety, even a beginner can cope with this matter.

Do not neglect the rules for forming a bush, and then the Bell will delight you with its beautiful shape and excellent taste.

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