Storing beets for the winter at home

Beets have long been an indispensable vegetable for preparing not only first courses and salads, but also great as side dishes and preservation. The agricultural technology of this root crop does not differ in special requirements, and therefore all gardeners are trying to grow it on their plots in sufficient quantities. Therefore, it is so important to familiarize yourself with the conditions beet storage in winter to always have stocks of this healthy vegetable.

Selection and preparation of beets for long-term storage

An important factor is the choice of beets for winter storage. It is best to give preference to late varieties, since they tend to retain their qualities over a long period of time. The later the harvest is carried out, the better it is suitable for storage.

In order for the beets to be well stored in the winter at home, they must first be prepared before being put on for a long period. Initially, it should be collected in advance before the onset of frost, since a sharp drop in temperature will significantly affect the shelf life. Therefore, it is best for the regions of the middle lane to harvest beets in early October, and in the southern regions in late October or early November.

Vegetables should be dug out on a sunny, clear day, after which they must be laid out to dry in the shade for several hours. In case the weather is not so ideal, the harvested beets must be dried indoors for several days.

Advice! Before storage, vegetables should be carefully cleaned of dirt without damaging their integrity, but in no case should they be washed, otherwise the beets will not be stored for a long time.

Cut off the root and tops with scissors or a knife within 3 cm of the root crop. It is better not to tear off the tops with your hands, as this may later cause it to rot. Then it is also necessary to carefully cut off the lateral roots and shorten the main one to 5 cm.

After that, the beets are placed in a dry, dark room for several weeks. After this period, only undamaged and strong fruits that are suitable for further storage are sorted out and deposited, and then transferred to a permanent place.

The most optimal storage options

Storing beets at home is possible in several ways, which depend on individual capabilities and preferences. For these purposes, boxes, boxes, plastic bags, vacuum containers, sand, chalk, table salt and even fern are used.

In a special box

You can store beets in an apartment in a wooden box, which is ideal for potatoes and beets at the same time. At the bottom of it, a pallet is placed in the form of a lattice, which contributes to free air circulation.

Moreover, both root crops will benefit from such a neighborhood, this is due to the fact that the beets will take in excess moisture, and thereby protect the potatoes from its negative effects.

It is best to place such a container on a glazed balcony, and with a significant drop in air temperature, the box is additionally covered with old blankets.

Advice! It is best to stack medium and small root crops down the container, since they are stored much longer than large ones.

In boxes

Storing beets at home, like other vegetables, takes place in baskets or boxes, pre-sprinkling it with layers of river sand or table salt.This method will help protect vegetables from excess moisture, which contributes to the development of fungal diseases.

For winter storage, it is better to use wooden boxes in which beets are laid in layers, sprinkling with a thick layer of river sand or sawdust, but so that the fruits do not come into contact with each other. It is best to place the prepared container on the balcony and, in severe frosts, additionally insulate it on top.

Often you can hear or read on the forums the phrase: "I keep beets, shifting them with fern leaves." This method also helps to preserve vegetables for a long time, as the leaves of this plant prevent the growth of bacteria due to their fungicidal properties.

Vegetables sprinkled with chalk powder or wood ash retain their useful and taste qualities well, this helps to significantly increase their shelf life and protect them from the occurrence of fungal diseases.

Features of storage in packages

Another way to store in an apartment is to put the beets in plastic bags, but do not tie them, this promotes air circulation. Place vegetables in a cool place:

  • on the balcony;
  • near the outer door.

You can store about 30 kg of beets in one bag, sometimes it is necessary to sort it out in order to sort out the fruits that are starting to deteriorate. When condensation appears on the walls, the vegetables are taken out and dried.

Important! Beetroot stocks for the winter at home should be kept away from heating appliances, as this will help to significantly increase the shelf life of vegetables.

In clay solution

In the absence of a balcony in the apartment, beets should be stored in the winter, having previously moistened in a solution of clay, this can protect them from loss of moisture and useful qualities, and also significantly increase their shelf life.

To prepare the required mixture, you will need water and clay. These two components must be mixed until a homogeneous mass and sour cream consistency is obtained. Then each root vegetable is dipped in the resulting solution and allowed to dry for several hours. The dried fruits are placed in a prepared container and stored in the coolest place of the apartment.

In the fridge

With the same success, you can store this root vegetable in the refrigerator, but not more than 1 month. Since after this time, the beets begin to lose their useful qualities and moisture, which leads to the unsuitability of their further use. It is best to pick fruits 10-15 cm in diameter, as they lose less moisture and are less susceptible to fungal diseases. You will also need to comply with certain rules and storage conditions.

  1. When using plastic bags for storage, you should put the cleaned but unwashed beets in them and at the same time make additional holes in the bags in advance for air circulation.
  2. Also vacuum bags are used for storing root crops. In this case, the beets must be washed and all residues of the tops must be removed. Then each vegetable should be dipped in a strong saline solution and placed in a bag. In this way, you can save beets for a month or even more without losing their beneficial and taste qualities.
  3. Often, root vegetables in the refrigerator are placed in vacuum containers, in which, when tightly closed, you can store vegetables for 1 month.
  4. You can also use foil for storage, in which the beets are wrapped individually. This helps the fruits not to come into contact with each other, as well as to retain moisture and useful properties for 3 months, because this method avoids direct contact of vegetables with air, but at the same time they continue to breathe.
  5. For longer storage, you can grate or dice the beets and freeze them in the freezer. But with this method, vegetables lose some of their vitamins and useful qualities, but their shelf life increases to 3-4 months.

Cold storage root vegetables are not the best option, but they are always at hand, which is very convenient.

You can see more clearly how to choose and save this vegetable correctly from the proposed video, many of the author's tips will help to save the harvest of root crops in the winter season:


Keeping beets in the house will not be difficult, but will require adherence to temperature, humidity and storage conditions. It is also necessary to remove spoiled or sluggish fruits on time. Compliance with these rules will help preserve the crop and extend its shelf life.

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