Nitrogen-potassium fertilizers for cucumbers

Cucumbers are a widespread crop, necessarily grown in every vegetable garden. It is impossible to imagine a summer menu without cucumbers; the vegetable is included in many recipes for winter preservation. Many winter dishes are prepared using pickled and pickled cucumbers. Growing cucumbers, delicious and beautiful in appearance is the task of every gardener.

The culture grows well in fertile soils. That is, those that are provided with a high level of nutrients. The soil in the summer cottages is constantly exploited, the grown plants take out the necessary nutrients. Therefore, they need to be constantly replenished by applying fertilizers.

The role of nitrogen in the cultivation of cucumbers

Nitrogen is the most demanded element in plant nutrition. For cucumbers, nitrogen is relevant at all stages growth: first for building up green mass, then for flowering and planting the crop, then during the period of fruiting and its extension.

Nitrogen in nature is found in humus, in the upper fertile soil layer. Organics under the influence of microorganisms becomes available for absorption by plants. Cultivated plants may not have enough natural nitrogen reserves. Then breeders are obliged to replenish the deficiency of the element by applying nitrogen fertilizers.

Attention! If your cucumbers are lagging behind in growth, poorly growing leaf mass, stretching, then they do not have enough nitrogen.

However, the following situation may develop: the gardener regularly applies fertilizers, but the cucumbers do not grow. Then the reason lies in the soil itself.

So, at too low temperatures or high acidity of the soil, nitrogen is in a form that is inaccessible for assimilation by cucumbers. Then the introduction of nitrate nitrogen (ammonium nitrate or sodium nitrate) is required.

And if the soils are slightly alkaline or neutral, then it is better to add ammonia nitrogen (ammonium sulfate, ammonium-sodium sulfate).

Overfeeding cucumbers with nitrogen is harmful. Plants actively grow deciduous mass to the detriment of flowers and fruits. And if the fruits grow, then they have a non-marketable appearance: bent and twisted. Everything is good in moderation, and the application of nitrogen fertilizers should be under special control, since with their excess, the substance accumulates in cucumbers in the form of nitrates.

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Types of nitrogen fertilizers


Nitrogen fertilizers for cucumbers - all types of organic fertilizers (manure of any animals, bird droppings, peat). These fertilizers have been used by humans in crop production for a long time. For organics to work, it must go into a form that is convenient for assimilation by plants, and this takes time. It is not for nothing that it is recommended to introduce fresh manure in the fall. The autumn-winter period is just that necessary time. Add 40 kg of organic matter per 1 hectare of land, followed by digging up the soil.

Fresh manure generates a tremendous amount of heat during decomposition. Therefore, plants can simply "burn out". However, this property of fresh manure is used by gardeners to prepare "warm beds".

For feeding plants in the summer, use an infusion of fresh manure or dung. 1 volume of organic matter is poured with 5 volumes of water, insisted for a week. The finished nitrogen fertilizer concentrate is diluted and feeding cucumbers... For 10 parts of water, take 1 part of the infusion.

The attitude to peat as nitrogen fertilizer among gardeners is twofold. Peat contains nitrogen, but in a form that is poorly suitable for assimilation by plants.Peat is much more suitable for improving the quality and composition of heavy soils, which become air and moisture permeable when available. The use of peat is possible together with other fertilizers. However, you can add value to peat by making peat compost from it.

Sawdust is laid in the base, which is covered with a layer of soil and peat, then a significant layer of grass, tops, plant residues is laid out, on top of which a layer of soil and peat is laid. The whole structure is spilled with slurry infusion. The height of the structure is about a meter, the preparation time is 2 years. The criterion for the readiness of the compost is its crumbly structure and pleasant earthy smell.


Urea is an artificial organic nitrogen fertilizer for cucumbers. Fertilizer is familiar to all gardeners due to its efficiency (nitrogen content 47%) and low cost. After application under the influence of microorganisms urea turns into a form convenient for assimilation by cucumbers. The only requirement when using urea is to embed the granules deep into the soil, since during decomposition a gas is formed, which can escape, and this will lead to a loss of nitrogen.

The most effective way to feed cucumbers with urea is to use urea solution. Dissolve 45-55 g of carbamide in 10 liters of pure water. Urea is also suitable for foliar dressing cucumbers, applying the solution to the leaves and stems through spraying. In this way, you can very quickly eliminate the lack of nitrogen in cucumbers.

Ammonium nitrate

Ammonium nitrate or ammonium nitrate (ammonium nitrate) is a nitrogen fertilizer (34% nitrogen) no less popular among gardeners for cucumbers. It is produced in the form of powder or granules of white or gray color, readily soluble in water. Can be applied on any soil. Suitable for feeding cucumbers at any stage of development. Dissolve ammonium nitrate (3 tablespoons) in a 10 liter bucket of water and water the plants. You can also use the root method of fertilization. Next to the planting of cucumbers, grooves are made into which nitrate is distributed, based on the norm of 5 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 sq. m of soil.

Attention! With the frequent use of ammonium nitrate, acidification of the soil is possible.

Ammonium sulfate

Another name for ammonium sulfate. Nitrogen fertilizer works in any weather. Therefore, it can be applied to the soil when it is dug up in early spring or autumn. The peculiarity of ammonium sulfate is that nitrogen in the fertilizer is contained in the ammonium form, which is very convenient for assimilation by plants. Ammonium sulfate for cucumbers can be applied in any form: both dry, with abundant watering, and in the form of a solution. Consumption rate: 40 g for 1 sq. m plantings of cucumbers. To prevent soil acidification, add ammonium sulfate along with chalk (1: 1).

Calcium nitrate

Other names are used fertilizer calcium nitrate or calcium nitrate. Nitrogen fertilizer is more suitable for feeding cucumbers on acidic soils, especially when grown in greenhouses. It is the presence of calcium that helps plants to fully assimilate nitrogen.

The fertilizer dissolves well, absorbs moisture during storage, which is why it cakes. For cucumbers, it is recommended to feed “on the leaf” with calcium nitrate from the beginning to the end of the growing season every 2 weeks. Nitrogen fertilizer solution for spraying: Dissolve fertilizer (20 g) / 10 L of water and spray on leaves and stems of cucumbers.

Advice! Do not forget to spray the back side of cucumber leaves, which has large pores, and therefore absorbs fertilizers much more actively than the top side of the leaves.

Fertilizer increases the resistance of plants to various diseases and temperature extremes. Produces a good harvest of high quality.

Sodium nitrate

Or sodium nitrate, or sodium nitrate. The use of this nitrogen fertilizer is shown on acidic soils. The nitrogen content is only 15%.

Attention! Not recommended for use in greenhouses and in combination with superphosphate.

Everyone chooses nitrogen fertilizer for cucumbers himself, however, it is worth owning a small theoretical base in order, firstly, not to harm the plants, and secondly, not to waste money. Since not all nitrogen fertilizers are universal. Be sure to take into account the acidity of the soil in your garden to get the most out of nitrogen fertilization.

Fertilizers for cucumbers

For the entire growing season, cucumbers usually need 3-4 fertilizing. However, if the plants look healthy, set ovaries and bear fruit abundantly, reduce feeding to a minimum. Cucumbers, like other plants, require not only nitrogen, but also potassium and phosphorus.

Potash fertilizers

With a shortage potassium, cucumber leaves turn yellow at the edge and curl inward. Then they die off. The fruit is pear-shaped and has a watery, bitter taste. Plants cannot withstand temperature extremes, attacks by bacteria and insect pests. Cucumbers bloom, but do not form ovaries. Top dressing with potash fertilizers is especially important for cucumbers at the stage of crop formation:

  • Potassium chloride has a high potassium content - 60%. However, due to the chlorine content, which does not in the best way affect the growth and fruiting of cucumbers, the use of this fertilizer directly during the growing season becomes impossible. However, it can be applied in the fall during soil preparation. Use 20 g of potassium chloride for 1 sq. m;
  • Potassium sulfate - potassium sulfate has a high potassium content, suitable for use in greenhouses and outdoors. Does not contain chlorine, which is especially important when feeding cucumbers. When digging land for cucumbers in spring, apply 15 g of fertilizer per square meter. m. During the current dressings, the use of the solution is shown. Take potassium sulfate (30-40 g), dissolve in a bucket of water (10 liters of water), water the plants. Contribute potassium sulfate together with superphosphate. When paired, they work very well.
  • Potassium (potassium) nitrate or potassium nitrate - a popular potash fertilizer containing nitrogen and potassium - the most essential elements for cucumbers. At the same time, there is less nitrogen. Therefore, the use of potassium nitrate is indicated at the stage of crop formation, when cucumbers do not need to grow green deciduous mass. Chlorine free. To feed plants with a solution, take potassium nitrate (20 g) and dissolve in 10 liters of water;
  • Kalimagnesia ("Kalimag") differs in that, in addition to potassium, it also contains magnesium, which improves the taste of cucumbers and prevents the accumulation of nitrates. Together, the 2 elements are absorbed by cucumbers with maximum benefit. Feed the plants anytime, dissolved or in granules. Dissolve 20 g of potassium magnesium in a 10 liter bucket of water and pour over the cucumbers. If used dry, measure 40 g per square meter. m of soil.

Potassium is important for plants, it accelerates the processes of photosynthesis, strengthens the immunity of cucumbers, improves the taste of fruits and the amount of ovary formation.

Phosphate fertilizers

Without phosphorus, cucumber seeds will not sprout, the root and ground part of the plant will not develop, cucumbers will not bloom, and there will be no harvest. Phosphorus is called the growth energy of cucumbers, how important the element is for nutrition. The peculiarity of phosphorus is that plants themselves regulate its amount when absorbed. Therefore, gardeners cannot overfeed or not supplement cucumbers.

Plants, by their appearance, signal to you that there is not enough phosphorus. If cucumbers have pale green leaves, spots or uncharacteristic color on the lower leaves, flowers and cucumber ovaries fall off - then these are signs of a lack of phosphorus. Use fertilizers with a high phosphorus content to help plants as soon as possible:

  • Superphosphate - produced in the form of granules, the phosphorus content is 26% in a convenient form for assimilation by plants. Apply superphosphate in the fall when digging up the soil, for each square meter. m use 40 g of fertilizer.For routine feeding of cucumbers, make a solution: dissolve 60 g in 10 liters of water. Another method for preparing the solution: pour superphosphate (10 tbsp. L.) With 1 liter of hot water, stir well and let it brew for a day, stirring occasionally. 0.5 cups of the resulting concentrate, dilute in water (10 l);
  • Phosphorite flour works great on acidic soils. It must be introduced in the fall, however, the effect should not be expected immediately. Only after 2 years, there will be visible results. Add flour (30-40 g) per 1 sq. m of soil. On slightly acidic soils, you can add 3 times more flour, it does not dissolve in water. The effect lasts for several years, especially with the joint application of nitrogen fertilizers;
  • Diammophos - is distinguished by its versatility, suitable for all crops, soils and application times. Apply fertilizer (30 g) per 1 sq. m of soil during autumn or spring digging, 40 g of diammophos with planned top dressing per 1 sq. m landings;
  • Potassium monophosphate contains 50% phosphorus and 26% potassium. When using it, you can extend the period of obtaining cucumbers, protect them from temperature extremes and diseases. To prepare the solution, take 10 g of fertilizer / 10 l of water. Cucumbers respond well to foliar feeding with potassium monophosphate: dissolve 5 g / 10 L of water and spray the plants.
Attention! Potassium monophosphate is quickly absorbed by plants, so do not use fertilizer to prepare the soil in the fall.

Phosphorus increases the number of ovaries on cucumbers. Therefore, using fertilizers with a high phosphorus content, provide yourself with high yields.


Modern crop production is impossible without fertilization. You can spend all your energy on planting, watering and weeding, however, you will not get a crop at all or get it of a very dubious quality. And only because the plants did not receive all the necessary nutrients in a timely manner. Any kind of activity presupposes a certain set of not only skills, but also knowledge. Crop production is no exception. Plant life is "on three pillars" - phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen. The first task of the gardener is to provide food for his wards.

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