Black currant Hercules

At least one bush of black currant should grow in every garden, because this berry is incredibly useful, besides, it has a very pleasant taste and strong aroma. Of course, any owner wants to grow the largest and sweetest fruits - to the envy of all neighbors. An excellent option for summer residents and farmers is Hercules black currant. Someone calls this variety Hercules, but the essence of this does not change: the culture pleases with consistently high yields, very large berries and excellent taste. The most important advantages of Hercules are obvious - you can find out about them from the photo, but this variety also has other, no less valuable advantages.

A description of the Hercules variety currant with photos and reviews of domestic summer residents is given in this article. Below will be listed all the strengths of the culture and talked about its shortcomings. Beginners will be able to learn about the rules of agricultural technology and learn how to plant black currants, take care of them.

Characteristics of the variety

A relatively young variety of black currant Hercules appeared at the end of the last century. The author was L. Zabelina, an employee of the Siberian Research Institute. Hercules is positioned as a late large-fruited and fruitful variety with valuable nutritional qualities.

Attention! The originator offers to grow currants Hercules not only in Siberia, but also in other, warmer regions.

Detailed description of the variety of black currant Hercules:

  • the plant is tall, the bushes are erect, not spreading;
  • the leafiness of the shoots is average, which greatly simplifies the collection of berries;
  • the thickness of young shoots is average, they are painted green with a pink "blush";
  • old branches are lignified, light brown in color, with a slight waxy coating;
  • the buds of medium-sized currants, round-ovoid, are located one at a time;
  • Hercules leaves have three lobes, they are glossy, dense, bright green, large in size;
  • the edge of the leaf is finely toothed, the teeth are rounded;
  • leaf petioles are rather thick and short, slightly pubescent;
  • flowers of medium size, beige and pink;
  • the brushes are long, packed tightly, each of them contains 8-12 berries;
  • the fruits of Hercules are very large - the weight of each berry is from 1.6 to 3.5 grams;
  • the shape of the berries is correct, round, one-dimensional;
  • the peel is thin, but elastic, practically has no glossy sheen, with a slight bloom;
  • inside the fruit there is a small amount of light brown small seeds;
  • separation of currants dry, which ensures Hercules suitability for transportation and short-term storage (berries do not "drain");
  • the taste of the Hercules variety is considered dessert: a strong aroma, sweet pulp with a small amount of acidity;
  • self-fertile currants - about 50%, does not need pollinators (but the presence of other varieties nearby increases productivity and has a good effect on the taste of Hercules);
  • the yield of the variety is excellent - more than 11 tons per hectare, about 3.5-4 kg per bush;
  • the plant is winter-hardy, capable of wintering without shelter even in Siberia (both the buds of Hercules and its flowers tolerate frost);
  • currants have a strong immunity to fungal infections such as anthracnose and septoria;
  • the variety is unpretentious to the mechanical and chemical composition of the soil - Hercules can be grown on any soil;
  • there is a weak resistance of Hercules to the kidney mite, therefore, preventive treatment of the bushes is required.

Important! The purpose of the Hercules currant is dessert, it is good fresh, but you can make fragrant jams, preserves from the berries, freeze the fruits for future use.

Advantages and disadvantages

Almost all reviews of the Hercules black currant are positive: everyone, without exception, likes this variety. Moreover, the opinion of gardeners does not depend on the climatic conditions of their residence: the culture has proven itself well in the north, and in the south, and in the center of the country.

In the fruits of Hercules, not only the pleasant taste is appreciated, but also the composition of this currant:

  • 1.7% ascorbic acid;
  • 8.7% sugar;
  • 2.2% fruit acids;
  • 18.4% dry soluble substances.

The disadvantages of the Hercules variety are insignificant, and the most important of them is the lack of resistance to the kidney mite. This problem can be solved simply - by regularly spraying the shrub twice a year (in early spring and late autumn) and by digging up the soil around the plants.

But the black currant Hercules still has many advantages:

  • high and stable yield;
  • excellent taste;
  • large berry sizes (Hercules is one of the largest-fruited varieties in Russia);
  • the suitability of the crop for transportation and storage;
  • excellent winter hardiness;
  • high frost resistance of flowers in spring;
  • self-fertility;
  • resistance to fungal infections;
  • unpretentiousness to the composition and type of soil.

Hercules currants are one of the most unpretentious among the cultures of their kind. It can definitely be recommended even for novice gardeners and inexperienced summer residents. The variety has proven itself no less well in industrial plantings: the berries are technologically advanced, the crop can be harvested by automated machines and used for any purpose.

Agrotechnical techniques

Any black currant, be it Russian or foreign, cannot be called a problem-free culture. The cultivation of black-fruited berries has its own characteristics and nuances. Quite often, you can hear the complaints of farmers about the unacceptability and capriciousness of this culture.

Advice! Hercules is perfect as a first experience - this is one of the most unpretentious varieties.

In order for the currant bush to take root and give good yields every year, first, it must be properly planted. And subsequently - to provide competent care.

Pick up time and place

In principle, planting black currants is allowed in spring and autumn. In most Russian regions, spring is early, and summer is rather sultry. In such conditions, spring immature seedlings often disappear, die from heat and drought. therefore Hercules is best planted in the fall: from the beginning of September to the second decade of October.

Attention! If autumn frosts have begun in the region, it is better to postpone the planting of currants until spring and dig in the seedlings.

For normal development, black currants need sun and sufficient air. Therefore, the place for planting Hercules should be chosen in an open sunny area.

Despite the unpretentiousness of the variety to the composition of the soil, it is still recommended to avoid excessive acidity of the soil. In such cases, before planting, the soil can be watered with milk of lime or other methods of deoxidation can be used.

It is necessary to choose the spacing between adjacent bushes taking into account the height of the Hercules. This is a tall plant, and although the currant shoots are erect, not prone to lodging, the distance between the bushes should be decent. If the shadow of an overgrown shrub falls on neighboring plants, fungal infections of the currants and the spread of ticks cannot be avoided.

Advice! The optimal distance between the Hercules bushes is 1.5-2 meters. If the bushes are planted in several rows, the spacing should be increased a little more. The most important thing is to maintain normal ventilation of the bushes.

Planting process

Late Hercules can be planted both in pits and in trenches. The depth of the holes should be 30-40 cm. Experienced gardeners recommend preparing planting holes for currants in advance - at least a couple of months before planting. This will allow the earth to compact and settle, which will have a beneficial effect on the currants planted later.

Fertilizers must be placed at the bottom of the planting pits. It can be humus, compost, horse manure, humus. Organic matter can be mixed with wood ash or mineral phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Pour a little earth on top and start planting currants.

Important! If the acidity of the soil is increased, a handful of chalk or dolomite flour is added to the planting hole.

Many gardeners note the best survival rate of black currant when planting bushes at an angle. In this case, the seedling is placed at an angle of 45 degrees to the horizon. So the roots of Hercules will grow faster, the currants will take root and grow.

Even before the roots are covered with earth, water is poured into the pit. Only after that do they begin to compact the soil and fill the planting pit with soil. To rejuvenate the crown and direct the forces of the currant to the roots, the shoots of the bush are cut by a third or half.

Shrub pruning

There is nothing difficult in the subsequent cultivation of Hercules black currant, it needs the same care as any other variety. The most important condition for high productivity and long "life" of the plant is competent pruning.

It is recommended to cut currants twice a year: in spring and autumn. Spring pruning should be carried out until the buds swell on the branches. In the fall, Hercules is pruned between the last harvest and the first severe frost.

The rules for pruning black currants are as follows:

  1. All shoots are cut to the very ground or to a larger branch - no stumps should remain.
  2. Those shoots that lie on the ground or are located close to its surface must be cut out. Otherwise, they can cause infection of the shrub.
  3. All diseased, dry and old shoots older than five years must be removed.
  4. Only erect and the largest shoots should be left from the young growth, crooked and weak branches are cut out.
  5. By the age of five, the currant bush should consist of three old shoots, three two-year-olds and three young branches. There should not be more than 12-15 shoots on one bush.

Attention! In addition to regular pruning, Hercules needs loosening of the soil, removal weeds, watering, feeding and preventive treatments.


Igor Stepanovich
The other day my neighbor was interested in currants of the Hercules variety. I grew this currant, like dozens of others, at my dacha, but for three years I have uprooted the bush. The reason for this decision was the kidney mite - the most dangerous "animal". For 7-8 years that I grew up Hercules, I could not cope with this misfortune. I have no other complaints about the variety: the currants are really large and very tasty, the yields are good (if the tick is exterminated in time). In general, I did not recommend this variety to my neighbor, but I do not exclude that in other regions Hercules is showing its best side.


Black currant Hercules can be called a versatile variety. This crop is successfully grown both in private farms and on a large industrial scale. The Hercules variety has a lot of advantages, but it also has a significant drawback - poor resistance to kidney mites. So, it is better to plant this currant where the presence of the pest has not been previously noted.

Comments (1)
  1. The berry is sour. Your skin will choke. I know what I'm saying. I have been growing for 30 years and I know many varieties. Perhaps this variety is a salvation for Siberia, but in Belarus it is better not to deal with the tick.

    18.07.2018 at 05:07
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