Truffle winter black: edibility, description and photo

Name:Winter black truffle
Latin name:Tuber brumale
A type: Edible
Synonyms:Truffle black French, Truffle black winter, Tuber brumale) - a mushroom of the Truffle family belonging to the Truffle genus
  • Department: Ascomycota (Ascomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Pezizomycotina
  • Class: Pezizomycetes
  • Subclass: Pezizomycetidae
  • Order: Pezizales
  • Family: Tuberaceae (Truffle)
  • Genus: Tuber (Truffle)
  • Type: Tuber brumale (Winter black truffle)

Winter black truffle is an edible representative of the Truffle family. Grows underground in birch groves. Begins fruiting from November to February, in regions with a warm climate. Due to its pleasant aroma and delicate pulp, the mushroom is used raw in cooking.

What a winter black truffle looks like

Winter black truffle has a tuberous fruiting body, irregularly rounded. The size can be from 8 to 20 cm. The surface is covered with thyroid or polygonal growths. In young specimens, the skin is dark purple in color; as it grows, it becomes deep black.

The flesh of juvenile species is pure white, with age it acquires a violet-gray color with a pronounced marble pattern. The mass of an adult specimen reaches a kilogram or more.

Important! Reproduction occurs by straight or slightly curved elongated spores, which are in a dark powder.

The marble pattern is clearly visible on the cut

Where does the winter black truffle grow

This forest inhabitant forms mycelium on the roots of birch, oak, hazel and linden. Fruiting from November to March, in regions with warm winters. It can be found on the territory of Crimea and North Ossetia.

Is it possible to eat a winter black truffle

This type is considered a delicacy. The pulp has a delicate nutty aroma. But since the smell is less pronounced than that of a simple black truffle, the nutritional value of this specimen is somewhat lower.

The mushroom has beneficial properties and contraindications. Positive traits:

  • improves the metabolic process;
  • lowers blood sugar;
  • removes bad cholesterol and toxins;
  • improves intestinal motility and the work of the endocrine system.

Winter truffle goes well with meat and fish dishes

Winter black truffle is contraindicated:

  • children under 12 years old;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people with peptic ulcer and allergic reactions.
Important! In order not to risk your health, it is better to consult a specialist before use.

False doubles

This forest dweller has similar brothers. These include:

  1. The black. A valuable gourmet look. The fruit body is black, the flesh is light at first, then turns dark purple. Due to the pleasant bitter-nutty taste and smell, it is eaten fresh.

    Valuable, gourmet look

  2. Summer - an edible representative of the mushroom kingdom that grows in Russia from July to November. The fruit body is dark brown or black. The aromatic pulp is light, with a characteristic marble pattern. The taste is nutty, sweetish.

    Grows in warm regions of Russia

  3. Burgundy or autumn - a valuable, delicious species that grows from September to January. The rounded tuberous body is colored black, the flesh is light brown with a characteristic marble pattern, chocolate flavor and nutty aroma. Since the mushroom does not tolerate heat treatment, it is used fresh.It goes well with meat, fish, spirits and fruits.

    Has a nutty aroma and pleasant taste

Collection rules and use

Collecting truffles is not an easy job, as mushrooms are located underground, and without certain skills, they are difficult to find. Often mushroom pickers take a pig or a specially trained dog as an assistant. A pig smells a truffle scent at a distance of 25 m and, when a mycelium is found, begins to dig the ground to get a favorite treat.

Mushrooms are collected at night, yellow insects can serve as a guide. They fly over mushroom areas in large numbers and lay larvae on the fruiting body.

Important! If truffles are found, the soil is carefully raked with hands, and the fruit is cut with a thin, sharp knife, trying not to damage the place of growth.

Winter black truffle has found wide application in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. Due to the high cost, the mushroom is rarely used in everyday cooking. In restaurants, it is added fresh to meat and fish dishes, it is used in salads and slices.

In folk medicine, the mushroom is used:

  • for the treatment of eye diseases;
  • with gout, arthrosis and arthritis;
  • as a powerful aphrodisiac.
Important! As the fungus can cause side effects, consult your doctor before use.

In expensive beauty salons, the mushroom is used to prepare masks that lighten the skin and remove its pigmentation. Also, the truffle fights wrinkles, smoothes the skin and improves the face contour.


Winter black truffle is an edible, delicious mushroom. Due to its pleasant nutty aroma and taste, it is added to meat and fish dishes. But since the price for it is very high, you need to know the specific characteristics of the mushroom, the place and rules of collection, view photos and videos.

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