Storing truffles: terms and conditions for preserving the mushroom

It is necessary to store the truffle correctly, since its taste is revealed only fresh. The fruit body has an exquisite, unique and rich flavor, which is highly appreciated by gourmets all over the world.

How much truffle is stored

You can store the truffle mushroom at home for up to 10 days. The product is wrapped in cloth and placed in an airtight container, then sent to the refrigerator compartment. To prevent it from rotting, a piece of cloth is changed every two days. You can also wrap each fruit in soft paper, which is replaced daily.

If you plan to cook it much later, then they use proven simple methods that can significantly increase this time.

Advice! To keep the mushrooms longer, you should not first clean them from the ground.

Truffle is the most expensive mushroom

What determines the shelf life of truffles

The shelf life depends on the temperature and storage conditions. With excess moisture, the delicacy product immediately deteriorates. But dry cereals, cloth or paper can increase the storage time up to 30 days.

Fruits cannot be sterilized, as temperatures over 80 ° C destroy the aroma

How to store mushroom truffles

To preserve its unique taste, the product is placed in an opaque container and covered with dry rice grains. Then they are sent to the darkest place of the refrigerator compartment. Thus, the shelf life can be increased to one month. During this time, the cereal absorbs the truffle aroma and is used to prepare various dishes.

Instead of rice, you can use olive oil, which absorbs mushroom juice and an unrivaled aroma during storage. Previously, the fruits are thoroughly washed from the ground.

The fruit body retains its taste and nutritional qualities when frozen. Each piece is individually wrapped in foil or the entire batch is vacuum packed. The cut forest product is also frozen. Store in a freezer compartment at a temperature of -10 ° ... -15 ° C. Defrost at room temperature before use.

Many culinary specialists prefer to cover the mushrooms with sand, which must be covered with a damp cloth. Then close with a lid. Thus, the shelf life is increased to one month.

Another proven method is canning. For this, the truffle is placed in a small container, preferably glass, and poured with alcohol. It is best to use rubbing alcohol. The liquid should lightly coat the mushrooms. It is not recommended to store such a product for more than two years, otherwise alcohol will take away all the aroma and taste of the forest product.

After using the truffle, the alcohol is not poured out. On its basis, aromatic sauces are prepared, added to meat and fish dishes.

Keep fresh fruits without clearing the remains of the earth


You can store a truffle in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days, but with the right approach, the shelf life can be easily increased to one month. But do not delay time, because even if all the recommendations are followed, the fruits quickly deteriorate.

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