Chubushnik (jasmine) Pearl: description, photo, reviews

In early summer, garden jasmines bloom in the gardens and homesteads of central Russia, filling the air with a pleasant, strawberry aroma. Chubushnik Pearl, like all other garden jasmines, is able to decorate every garden corner or not very attractive place; become a highlight of a summer cottage composition or it is advantageous to set off perennial herbaceous plants with its decorativeness.

Description of Jasmine Pearls

Garden jasmine is the popular name for chubushnik, due to the similarity of flowering and the fragrant aroma of flowers of these ornamental crops. In fact, these are different plants. And, if the mock-orange is grown in the central and southern regions of Russia, then jasmine grows in Egypt, the Mediterranean and Southeast Asia. Gardeners and gardeners call the mock-orange "false", or garden, jasmine.

Deciduous, undersized - up to 1.3 - 1.5 m in height, a shrub with rich green foliage and red-brown, curved shoots - this is a mock-orange of the Pearl variety, which is the brainchild of the selection of Academician N. Vekhov. The "false" jasmine belongs to the Hortensia family with an average flowering period. A small-sized shrub has a spherical, neat crown, which allows it to be planted even under the windows of a house.

How Chubushnik Pearl blooms

Snow-white, terry, gigantic, up to 7 cm in diameter, flowers of the pearl mock-orange variety abundantly cover the flexible shoots, harmoniously contrasting with the green foliage. The incredibly lush bloom of jasmine lasts about 20 days, starting in late June. At this time, the garden is filled with a fragrant fragrance exuded by white flowers with a pearlescent hue and pearl overflow. Dense, umbrella inflorescences densely cover the crown of jasmine, surprising with their resemblance to large pearls. Flowering is influenced by the place of planting of the chubushnik, the composition of the soil and care, which is completely uncomplicated. Even beginners in gardening will be able to successfully grow this amazing shrub on their own plot. According to the description and visual photo, it becomes clear that the pearl mock-orange is blooming elegantly and magnificently, being at this time a true decoration of every garden.

Main characteristics

Garden jasmine variety Pearl is quite frost-resistant, tolerates low temperatures up to 25 degrees of frost without freezing. Therefore, in the conditions of the southern and central zone, it does not require shelter for the winter. It responds well to the regular application of mineral and organic fertilizers, increasing the number of new shoots. Chubushnik Pearl grows quickly on fertile, air-permeable soils with good drainage. It does not tolerate waterlogging, saline, waterlogged soils. However, it reacts poorly to drought, which immediately affects the state of the pearl leaves, which lose their turgor. The shrub pleases with abundant flowering only in sunny, without shading, places. Chubushnik is resistant to pests and diseases, if you provide it with optimal growing and care conditions.

Breeding features

Garden jasmine of the Pearl variety is propagated in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings and layering;
  • dividing the bush.

Chubushnik easily takes root in any of the above ways. The seeds are sown on the surface of fertile soil with the addition of sand, sprinkled with peat and moistened.After the appearance of 2 - 3 leaves, the seedlings dive and, as they grow, are hardened in the fresh air. In autumn, young plants are planted in a permanent place and, with the arrival of cold weather, are covered with spruce branches.

For layering, healthy, strong branches of the chubushnik are chosen, which are bent to the previously dug trenches and fixed. They are sprinkled with soil, regularly moistened, spud up before rooting. In autumn, new jasmine seedlings with a developed root system and young layers are separated and planted on a separate ridge. After 2 years, young and strong seedlings of the mock-orange Pearl are transplanted to a permanent place.

Reproduction of garden jasmine by layering:

Cuttings for breeding mock-orange Pearls are prepared in spring or autumn. In the first case, they are placed in a root-forming solution and planted in greenhouses. In the second, they are stored until spring in a basement with zero air temperature and planted only in spring. It is deepened by 1 cm and groomed in a standard manner. After young chubushnik seedlings are hardened. In the fall, garden jasmine is planted in the open field in a separate place. The plant is transplanted to a permanent place only after 2 years.

The most popular, effective way to propagate a chubushnik is to divide the bush, which involves digging up an adult bush and dividing its root system into pieces with a sharp knife. The separated seedlings are immediately planted in a permanent place, watered abundantly. The procedure is carried out mainly in the fall. In the middle lane - in early to mid-October, so that the roots of the chubushnik have time to get stronger by winter.

Important! When growing new jasmine seedlings from seeds, they will delight with their inimitable flowering only after 3 years.

Planting and leaving

So that the mock-orange Pearl pleases with its delightful flowering and decorative crown, as in the photo, the planting is carried out in well-lit, not shady areas. In the shade and even partial shade, the plant stretches out, its branches become weak and thin, and flowering becomes rare and scarce. You can not plant any kind of mock-orange, including Pearls, on waterlogged soils, with a close occurrence of groundwater. In such conditions, its root system will begin to rot, which will further lead to the death of the shrub. The rest of the agrotechnical techniques for the mock-orange are standard: watering, feeding, pruning, and in cold areas, if necessary, shelter for the winter.

Recommended timing

Saplings of mock-orange Pearl are planted in the spring, in early or mid-April in areas with fairly cold winters. Over the summer, they manage to get stronger, develop a strong root system in order to winter well. In the southern regions, the chubushnik is planted in the fall, in early or mid-October.

Site selection and soil preparation

For planting a mock-orange of the Pearl variety, they choose a place with direct sunlight, protected from cold winds and drafts. The ideal option would be the south side of the house, fence or building. A fertile soil mixture is preliminarily prepared from sand, humus and leafy earth in a ratio (1: 2: 3). You should also take care of drainage from expanded clay, coarse sand or gravel.

Landing algorithm

  1. Planting holes are dug 60x60 in size, which is optimal for the root system of the pearl mock-orange, at a distance of 0.7 m from each other for hedges and 1.3 m for group plantings.
  2. A drainage layer of at least 20 cm is poured at the bottom, and a little prepared fertile land is poured on top, which will prevent stagnation of groundwater that is not tolerated by jasmine.
  3. The chubushnik sapling is installed vertically, making sure that the root collar is buried in the soil by no more than 2 cm.
  4. Sprinkle on top with soil, compact and watered abundantly.
  5. The trunk circle is mulched with fallen leaves, humus or peat.
Important! Too low occurrence of the root collar underground leads to rotting of the root system and the death of the chubushnik.

Growing rules

Garden jasmine is undemanding to care for.With proper planting, bright sunlight and nutrients in the soil are enough for active growth and development. However, the minimum measures for the care of the pearl mock-orange still need to be carried out. For this:

  • chubushnik is planted only in bright sunny places;
  • the soil is fertilized and drained;
  • regularly water and feed the shrub;
  • carry out timely pruning of bushes.

Watering schedule

Immediately after planting, young seedlings are abundantly shed at the rate of 20 liters of water per plant. In the future, watering the chubushnik is carried out less often, once a week. In a drought, the irrigation rate is increased to 3-4 times a week, but it is imperative that the land is not waterlogged.

Weeding, loosening, mulching

Weeding of the near-trunk circle of garden jasmine is carried out when weeds appear, loosening - 3-4 times per season. Mulching with leaf humus immediately after planting allows you to maintain the required level of moisture in the soil, saturate it with nutrients. Mandatory mulching with peat, fallen leaves, humus is performed before the cold weather.

Feeding schedule

Top dressing is carried out according to certain rules:

  1. Every year, in early spring, the mock-orange is fed with slurry diluted with water (1:10). One bucket of top dressing is added per 1 bush.
  2. From the second year of development, jasmine requires spring mineral feeding, which is in addition to the obligatory organic one. For its preparation, take superphosphate (20 g), potassium sulfate and urea (15 g each) and dilute in 1 bucket of water. This amount of mineral fertilizers is enough to feed 2 adult mock-mushrooms Pearl.
  3. Fertilizing the plant is required after flowering to lay buds for the next year and the growth of new shoots. To do this, superphosphate (30g), potassium sulfate (15g) and wood ash (100g) are diluted in 1 bucket of water. This amount of solution is designed for watering 2 adult chubushnik bushes.


Pruning is one of the main agricultural techniques when caring for a pearl mock-orange. The first pruning is carried out even before planting the seedling, removing all unattractive shoots that interfere with the formation of a spectacular crown. Before planting, a jasmine seedling should have 2 - 3 strong branches with several healthy buds located at the base. Further pruning is carried out one year after the first flowering with cutting out weak, thin processes and faded inflorescences. After that, they annually carry out sanitary pruning of the chubushnik in early spring, eliminating all damaged, weak, frozen branches. At the same time, you can carry out a shaping haircut to give the crown a decorative shape. To do this, remove the upper part of the growth by 2/3 of the length.

Important! Sanitary pruning is carried out before bud break and the beginning of sap flow.

Preparing for winter

In the conditions of central Russia, the pearl mock-orange does not need shelter for the winter. The exception is young, immature seedlings up to 3 years old, planted in the fall to a permanent place. They must be covered with spruce branches and sprinkled with fallen snow. Jasmine of the Pearl variety tolerates frosts up to 25 degrees, therefore, in colder regions, it needs to be covered with non-woven fabric or burlap. For additional protection of the root system from hypothermia before cold weather, the trunk circle is mulched with fallen leaves or peat. To prevent damage to the branches during heavy snowfalls, the shrubbery is freed from the snow layer.

Pests and diseases

Garden jasmine Pearl is a plant resistant to diseases and pests, which, with proper agricultural technology, is practically not exposed to them. Culture is most vulnerable:

  • To the spider mite;
  • leafy green weevil;
  • aphids.

Pest control is carried out using insecticides. As a preventive measure, it is advisable to process the bushes in spring or autumn during pruning with Karbofos. In addition, it is necessary to remove fallen leaves in a timely manner, to provide the plant with regular fertilizing, which makes it healthier, stronger, and, therefore, more resistant to diseases and pests.Garden jasmine should not be poured: it becomes weak from waterlogging.

A video that clearly demonstrates the gardener's experience in growing garden jasmine:


Chubushnik Pearl belongs to dwarf shrubs, and therefore is widely used in landscape design when decorating borders, front gardens, flower beds. It looks great together with other flower crops in garden compositions or in group planting to delimit the territory into zones.

Reviews of the chubushnik Pearl

Evgeny Rupyshev 49 years old, Saransk
I would like to share my experience of growing a mock-mushroom of the Pearl variety. I planted the bush 3 years ago, and this summer it pleased with abundant flowering. A sunny place is all that is needed for this: I planted a mock-orange bush Pearl on the south side of the house, which is still protected by a tall tree on the west side. I do not flood the plant and always feed it in spring and closer to autumn. She covered only the first 2 years for the winter. Young shoots froze a little, I cut them off in the spring, and the bush quickly recovered.
Irina Abramova 56 years old, Simferopol
In my garden, I planted several varieties of mock-orange with different flowering periods. Among them are Pearls. The site is transformed in the summer, delighting with the snow-white bloom of double, large flowers. Particularly surprising is the subtle fragrance of aromas, which is felt from afar. I take care of all varieties of jasmine in the same way - watering, feeding and pruning. Be sure to mulch with rotted foliage.
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