Is it possible to give dandelion to rabbits, in what form, and in what quantities

Rabbits can dandelion as soon as the green grass appears. According to experienced rabbit breeders, bright leaves, flowers and stems of the plant should be introduced into the diet of the animals, as they have useful properties. Although there is another reasoning. Some believe that this plant is harmful to rabbits.

Can rabbits have dandelions

There are different rabbits: ordinary, purebred and decorative. Novice rabbit breeders are interested in the rules of feeding animals, in particular, what greens and in what quantities can be given to animals at different times of life.

It should be noted that dandelion is considered the best food for all these pets. The fact is that greens appear very early and are an excellent vitamin aid after winter vitamin starvation. Only give grass and flowers carefully, in small portions, so as not to harm the animals.

Ordinary and thoroughbred

There are different rabbit breeds... Dandelions can be given to both regular and thoroughbred rabbits.

Dandelion is an amazing plant, each part of which can be called a storehouse of useful qualities:

  • calcium, iron and phosphorus;
  • vitamins A, B2, B4, C, E;
  • terpenoids, glycosides and carotenoids.

Thanks to these substances, young animals grow faster, and adults do not get sick.

Attention! Dandelion feed in the diet of animals should be no more than a third of the total volume of greens given.

As already noted, the leaves, flowers, stems and roots of the plant are beneficial. But the most nutritious are the stems and leaves. Dandelions are given to ordinary and thoroughbred rabbits from the moment the greenery appears. At this time, the females have cubs, they need a large amount of milk. It is this flower that promotes lactation. Small animals can be given leaves or stems when they are 3 weeks old.

Rabbits, ordinary and thoroughbred, are first given 1-2 leaves or a flower. After the animals adapt to the new food, and there will be no consequences, then the amount of food can be gradually increased.


Regular and thoroughbred rabbits are raised on private backyards or on farms. But many people like exotic or decorative animals that are kept in cages at home. For these small animals, greens, flowers and dandelion roots are also a necessary part of the diet, because they differ in size and color from ordinary and thoroughbred rabbits.

The only condition is to find the right amount of feed. The fact is that excess of this greenery can negatively affect the health of decorative rabbits:

  1. The animals stop growing.
  2. Retention of urination is possible, which can cause cystitis.

Feeding rules

Dandelion is not only a fodder, but also a medicinal wild-growing crop. That is why you need to know the peculiarities of feeding, at what time and in what quantities the greens are given.

Feeding features:

  1. In spring and summer, dandelions are given to rabbits 3 times a day: at 6 in the morning, at 3 in the afternoon and at 7 in the evening. As for the norm, then in the morning they give half of the daily portion, then a third part, and in the evening the remaining norm.
  2. In winter, rabbits are fed at 8, 12, 17 o'clock with dried dandelion grass. Feeding rates do not change.

Can you give dandelion flowers to rabbits?

Dandelions bloom for a very long time. There are 2 phases of flowers - yellow and white, when achenes are formed with parachutes. For feeding, baskets with bright yellow petals are used. They are very useful for rabbits, but flower production is limited. Indeed, at the place of separation, a liquid appears, similar to milk. It tastes bitter, so not all animals like it.

For food, baskets are chosen that have just blossomed. During harvesting, you need to be careful not to shake off the pollen, it is in it that useful properties are stored. Pollen contains calcium and mineral salts, which have a beneficial effect on the formation of teeth.

Dandelion flowers can and should be given to rabbits at all stages of life. Adult animals need 100 g of inflorescences per day.

Advice! Experienced rabbit breeders advise to pluck the plants along with the root and flowers and give the whole dandelion, then the rabbits will receive the maximum amount of nutrients.

Can rabbits use dandelion root?

Dandelion roots are excellent food. They contribute to:

  • increased appetite;
  • normalization of digestion;
  • prevention of coccidiosis;
  • saturation of the body of rabbits with glycosides, carotenoids and terpenoids.

Dandelion roots have choleretic properties, increase the amount of milk in lactating females, especially since rabbits chew dandelions with pleasure.

Can rabbits be given dandelion leaves and stems?

Green matter should make up the majority of the diet from spring to autumn. Dandelions begin to grow earlier than other herbs, which means they are the main focus. Animals like the leaves and stems of the plant very much, they eat them with great appetite. These parts of the dandelion are given separately or added to the general mixture, after chopping them.

Leaves and stems should be given to animals, since they contain substances that stimulate the activity of the kidneys and liver, therefore, they quickly remove toxic substances from the body. Adults are given up to 800 g of green dandelion feed per day.

Feeding features

Rabbits are happy to eat dandelions at any time of the year. This plant can be fed to animals no more than 3 times a day. But it must be remembered that these plants should not be more than 30% of the total daily diet.

For one adult animal, one plant with a root or 800 g (leaves, stems, flowers and root) is enough for a day. As for flowers, no more than 100 g per day. The feeding rate of young stock in accordance with age.

Attention! Rabbits really need dandelions, since their digestive system is still poorly formed.

Dandelions should be fed to rabbits, but should not be exceeded. A large amount of this herb can trigger the onset of cystitis. Therefore, experienced rabbit breeders recommend combining several types of herbs:

  • with plantain and wormwood to enhance the antiparasitic effect;
  • with tansy to increase lactation and improve bowel function;
  • with cuticle and wheatgrass;
  • with carrot and cabbage leaves;
  • with hay;
  • with potato-bran mash.

Feeding rabbits with green grass is not only beneficial, but also cost-effective, since you do not need to pay for this supplement in the diet.

With adults, everything is clear. Now you need to figure out how to feed rabbits with dandelions:

  1. They begin to give green dressing on the 21st day from birth.
  2. You need to introduce greens carefully, in small portions. The first complementary foods should not exceed 100 g per day.
  3. Rabbits are fed with dandelions 3 times a day, like adult rabbits.

How to give dandelions to rabbits

Plucked dandelions are not recommended to be given right away. Plants are specially prepared. To get rid of the earth and excess bitterness, dandelions are dipped in hot water and washed well.After that, they are laid out in the shade so that the future food is completely dry. When all the moisture has evaporated, and the leaves, stems, roots and flowers have dried up a little, you can feed the rabbits.

Advice! You need to dry dandelions for at least 5 hours. It is not recommended to cut the green mass during rain.

Novice breeders, seeing that the urine becomes reddish after feeding the plants, are frightened. There is nothing wrong with such a change, this is normal.

How to prepare and store dandelions for rabbits

Harvesting green mass for feed for rabbits should be done in ecologically clean areas: far from the highway and railway, factories and factories. This is an important condition, since dandelions quickly accumulate harmful substances, and the concentration can be dangerous for animals. The ideal option would be grass from your own garden.

Many rabbit breeders specifically leave these plants in a certain area so that they are always at hand. This is ideal.

In the summer, if conditions permit, they put up special fences and arrange free range for the animals. Rabbits eat dandelions and other plants themselves. But before you start the animals into the fence, you need to make sure that there are no herbs on the site that are poisonous and harmful to rabbits. When there are no plants left, the walk is transferred to a new place.

Caged rabbits are fed fresh dandelions daily. Plants are cut during the daytime in dry weather, then washed, dried and dried. Experienced rabbit breeders prepare green mass in the evening.

Attention! When collecting dandelions, you need to pay attention to dangerous plants that can grow in the neighborhood: celandine, mustard, dope, radish, quinoa. Even a small amount of these herbs can kill animals.

Dandelions are harvested for the winter from May to September. Dried greens must be free of mold, or the rabbits may die. When preparing feed, you need to follow these rules:

  1. For drying, pluck plants with barely blossoming yellow baskets.
  2. Harvest raw materials in clean places.
  3. The grass is washed and dried, then laid out in a well-ventilated room without access to light for drying.
  4. To prevent the grass from becoming moldy, it must be stirred so that the drying takes place evenly.
  5. For storage, choose a cool place with good air circulation.

If the amount of prepared food is small, you can put it in a cloth bag. Plastic bags are not suitable for this, as the dandelions in them will become unhealthy and moldy.


Rabbits can take a dandelion, which is now known for sure. This is an important aid in the diet of animals, rich in vitamins and nutrients. But the benefits of dandelion can only be if you follow the rules of harvesting, storage, and also adhere to the dosage for rabbits of different ages.

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