Auliekol cattle breed

Auliekol cattle breed is characterized by accelerated growth and high early maturity. It adapts perfectly to a variety of climatic conditions. The high productive qualities of the breed were appreciated by many livestock breeders, therefore, you can meet Auliekol cows in many farms.

The history of the creation of the Auliekol breed

Auliekol cattle breed is relatively young. It was bred by breeders in 1992 in the Kostanay region of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a result of crossing three meat breeds. For breeding used bulls-producers of the Aberdeen Angus and Charolais breeds and the Kazakh white-headed cow. The main selection criteria for breeding individuals were such characteristics as early maturity, large body weight and ease of delivery.

For 30 years after the breeding of the Auliekol cattle breed, breeders have been constantly working to improve its productive and breeding qualities. As a result, the beef of Auliekol cattle meets all international standards and is similar in composition to the meat of Angus cows. It has a marbled pattern - the fat is not located around the muscle tissue, but forms thin layers within the muscle tissue. Kazakh breeders are proud of this achievement, because marbled meat is considered a high quality product and is in demand on the international market.

Description of the Auliekol breed

A characteristic feature of the Auliekol cattle breed is the absence of horns, about 70% of the animals are hornless. The color of cows and bulls is light gray. You can find out the representatives of the Auliekol breed by the following characteristic features of the exterior:

  • massive, muscular physique;
  • strong skeleton;
  • big head;
  • short muscular neck;
  • height at the withers in cows - 1.3 m, in bulls - 1.4 m;
  • chest width - 58.5 m;
  • chest girth - 2.45 m;
  • the skin has 5 layers;
  • thick, short coat;
  • folds of fur on the forehead of bulls;
  • high weight (body weight of males 950-1200 kg, females - 550-700 kg).

Auliekol cows are distinguished by high productivity, giving a large amount of milk. Despite the fact that this breed of cattle has a meat orientation.

Indicators of milk productivity of the Auliekol cattle breed:


Amount of milk (per day)


up to 17 l


up to 15 l


up to 22 l

The yield of meat products, as well as their quality, are at a fairly high level. The slaughter yield of meat per carcass of the Auliekol breed is 60-63%. With proper care and adherence to the feeding regime, the daily weight gain of young animals is 1.1 kg. Cows of the Auelikol breed calve independently. Calf survival rate is 100%.

The cattle of the Auliekol breed is distinguished by its endurance and good immunity. Animals quickly and easily adapt to the local climate, practically not undergoing changes in temperature regimes and weather conditions. Before the cold snap, the onset of the autumn-winter period, the Auelikol cattle are covered with thick dense wool.

Due to their strong constitution, Auliek rings can easily endure periods with a decrease in the amount of succulent feed or a deterioration in their quality.

Pros and cons of breeding

Among the main advantages of Auliekol cattle are the following:

  1. Excellent acclimatization to climatic conditions.
  2. Undemanding to the food supply. Animals can eat hay from such grasses, which other breeds refuse to eat due to their roughness.They also eat the leaves and branches of shrubs.
  3. Well-developed herd instinct. Grazing cows and bulls is easy enough. They do not scatter in the pasture, graze in one place until they eat up all the pasture.
  4. Very high growth energy.
  5. Strong immunity, thanks to which animals practically do not get sick.
  6. There are no problems with lambing. The female calves independently, without any outside interference or assistance.
  7. Early maturity. Young animals quickly gain body weight.
  8. Unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention.
  9. The ability to travel long distances, therefore, the breed is indispensable for livestock farms with remote pastures.
  10. High yield per carcass of high quality and tasty meat.

The disadvantages of the Auliekol cattle can only be attributed to the fact that the breeding stock of this breed is very small.

Features of maintenance and care

The optimal conditions for auliek cows are free range, when they are loose in the pasture or in open pens. Animals are kept on a bed of hay or straw, 40 cm high, which is poured daily. It is completely changed once every 30 days.

Most often, pens are built for cattle of the Auliekol breed, fencing off a specially designated area for this. Animals are kept in them until the onset of persistent cold weather. As soon as the temperature on the street falls below zero, the Auliekol cattle are transferred to the barn.

Auliekol residents love free space, which should be taken into account when constructing a summer camp. The size of the countryside is determined by the number of individuals based on:

  • 1.25x2.15 m for 1 adult female;
  • 1.25x1.45 for 1 bull;
  • 1.0x1.25 for 1 calf.

The same parameters are adhered to when constructing a barn. They build it without a special heating system, insulating the walls and ceiling only with foam. Optimal regime in the barn: air temperature not lower than + 15 ° С, humidity not higher than 70%. Also, the room should be ventilated, since the cattle of the Auelikol breed love fresh air. Without fail, a place is allocated in the barn for arranging feeders and drinking bowls.

Often, the barn is made seasonal, collapsible, hangar type. The floors are slatted and tilted, which makes it easier to carry out sanitary cleaning. In a stationary barn, manure removal, feed distribution and water supply are carried out automatically, by specially installed equipment.

Auliekol cattle are not afraid of rain and wind, but it is still recommended to build a canopy to protect it from heavy rainfall and winds. Cows and bulls also feel comfortable in the summer heat, since the thick wool does not allow the body to overheat.

Auliekol cattle herd can be grazed on distant pastures. Animals can travel long distances with ease thanks to their strong and resilient legs.

Young growth care

The color of a newborn calf of the Auleikol breed is white. Weight varies between 30-35 kg. With proper care, calves grow quite quickly. It is recommended to place young animals in separate boxes. It is important to maintain a comfortable temperature regime in them. The temperature should not be lower than + 15 ° C. The floor should be equipped with wooden planks, lined with fresh straw or hay daily.

Important! For the first 3 weeks, the newborn calf's diet should consist exclusively of whole cow's milk.

The diet and walks of young Auelikol breed (from birth to 2 months of age)

Calf age




0-20 days


6 times a day, 150 g


21-29 days


4 l


30-59 days



oatmeal jelly

4 l

2 l


100 g

10-15 minutes (in the paddock)

2 months



oatmeal jelly


3 l (for 1 intake)

6 l

500 g


200 g

30 minutes

The number of vegetables is gradually increased by 200 g every 10 days. Beets, carrots, potatoes are useful. Supplement the diet with hay, about 500 g per 1 head, adding 10 g of chalk and salt to it.

From 3 months old, calves of the Auelikol breed should walk for at least 2 hours. Whole milk is removed from the daily menu completely, replacing it with skim milk (about 5 liters). They also stop giving jelly. The diet is based on vegetables, which the calf should receive at least 1 kg. From the beginning of the month, dry food is introduced. The initial norm is 700 g. By the end of the month it is increased to 900 g. Also youngsters are taught to use silage, starting from 500 g they are seasoned with 10 g of salt and 15 g of chalk.

The walking time of a 4 month old calf is 4 hours, during which he must actively move. The amount of skim milk decreases to 1 liter, while the volume of other feed, on the contrary, increases. The diet of young animals at this age looks like this:

  • hay - 1.6 kg;
  • silo - 1.5 kg;
  • dry food - 1 kg;
  • salt - 15 g;
  • chalk - 20 g.
Attention! Motor activity is very important for young Auelikol breed, in particular, for the full formation of the digestive tract and the development of other body systems.

Walking promotes an even distribution of body fat, preventing obesity.

At 5 months, the basis of the diet should be vegetable mixtures. On average, one animal should receive about 3.5 kg of various vegetables per day. The calf is given the same amount of hay. The volume of other products remains the same. Walking is carried out in open pastures for at least 5 hours.

At 6 months old, calves of the Auliekol breed are fed with the following products:

  • vegetables - 5 kg;
  • silo - 5 kg;
  • hay - 3 kg;
  • dry food - 0.6 kg;
  • salt - 20 g;
  • chalk - 25 g.

An important condition is compliance with the drinking regime. The calf should drink about 30 liters of water per day. Young animals that have reached six months of age are transferred to the main herd.


The unique Auliekol cattle breed deserves special attention of livestock breeders. It has high productive performance, is not whimsical to the conditions of keeping and nutrition, therefore it is recommended even for breeder farmers who do not have experience in breeding cattle.

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