Alpine goat breed: characteristics and content

Breeding goats in our country is more preferable to dairy breeds... Goat milk is very useful, it is absorbed by the human body much more efficiently, but it has its own specific taste. One of the famous dairy breeds is the Alpine goat breed.

Breed characteristics

The origin of these animals has French roots that have been diluted Zaanenskaya and Toggenburg breeds. This was done by American scientists in order to improve the species.

The color of the alpine goat can be completely different: black-and-white, black-white-red, etc. A total of 8 species are distinguished. For example, the chamois color can be seen in the photo below. A black stripe along the spine, black legs and two stripes on the head are all signs of this breed.

alpine goat breed

A small head, protruding ears, a large body with graceful legs, an elongated tail, straight horns.

The udder is large with two large nipples.

These goats have a fairly large build. The weight of an adult goat is about 60 kg, and a goat is more than 70. The height of the female is 75 cm, the male is 80 cm.

The first lamb will bring one kid, later their number can reach 5 pieces in one litter.

Animals of this breed are friendly in nature, but at the same time they are quite active, especially in foraging.

They have good dairy qualities, which will be discussed in more detail.

These animals tolerate winter well. Although they are covered with short, sleek hair, a warming undercoat grows back in winter.

Milk productivity

Alpine goat yields 1500 kg of milk per year. The lactation period lasts up to 3 years after pregnancy. Milk has a fat content of 3.5%, protein content - 3.1%, has a pleasant taste without a sharp specific smell. The absence of a characteristic odor is mandatory only for purebred representatives of this breed. Milk has a higher density compared to cow's. The taste is sweetish, creamy. Like cow milk, goat milk is used in the manufacture of cottage cheese and cheeses.

Important! Milk yield directly depends on whether the Alpine goat drinks in the required amount, so water should always be in abundance.

alpine goat breed

Growing and breeding

Alpine goats are quite unpretentious to feed and easy to care for, so breeding them will not be exhausting work, but an interesting process that brings results. Moreover, these animals are very fertile.

Important! Animals of this breed have very strong genetics, hence the first difficulty arises: it is almost impossible to determine how pure the breed goats have when buying.

Even mixed offspring has a characteristic color for more than one generation. The characteristic color of the Alpine goat in the photo.

Content requirements

  • Despite its endurance in front of low temperatures, it is advisable to keep Alpine goats in a warm room in winter. This will make the amount of milk in the winter the same as in the summer;
  • The room should not be damp, the air humidity can be from 40 to 60%;
  • The floors must be insulated. Legs are the weak point of ungulates;
  • One Alpine goat requires 4 m2 of space. There should be a fenced stall for the mother with the kids;
  • The room should be clean.
Advice! By crossing an alpine goat (or goat) with another less promising breed, you can improve the quality of the offspring.

Therefore, there are cases of salvation of another breed with the blood of the Alpine breed.

Alpiek is not always crossed with less promising breeds, sometimes it is an equivalent milking species, such as, for example, the Nubian goat breed. Dairy characteristics, which are somewhat superior to those of Alpine goats. Nubian whimsical in food, require the use of special food. Moreover, they are not adapted to the harsh winter climate. A mixture with an Alpine breed makes the offspring unpretentious in care, more hardy, while maintaining high productivity. The Nubiek color has the same tones. In the photo there is a Nubian goat.

Alpine breed feeding

Alpine goats are also unpretentious in food, like others. However, it is worth thinking that normal milk yield will be from an animal that has good health and sufficient nutrition.

The basis of the diet of the Alpine goat breed is hay, it should always be freely available. In summer, hay replaces fresh grass pasture. These animals give preference to coarser dry food, therefore, even in the summer grazing, they look for dry leaves and gnaw the branches of young trees, while not touching the succulent grass.

Grain feed or vegetable supplements are needed, but much less than hay.

How much hay does an Alpine goat need for a year? Are there any norms? The constant presence of hay in the trough is the norm. However, it was calculated that the approximate amount of consumption is 50 tightly packed bags, in which 50 kg of grain are packed per year.

Mineral supplements and salt are desirable.

Good nutrition during pregnancy lays down the quality of future milk yields.

It is advisable to add concentrated feed in winter.

These goats will never touch dirty water, so you need to monitor the freshness of the water and the cleanliness of drinking utensils.

Feeding little kids with mother's milk is a condition for their good health and proper development.

Alpine goats in Russia

This breed has long been successfully used by Russian goat breeders. It is very popular in our country as one of the best dairy breeds. In addition, Alpiek is used to ennoble outbred animals. It is quite difficult to find thoroughbreds, but if external signs are transmitted, then a light cross will not interfere with the strong genetics of this breed.

If, nevertheless, an admixture is undesirable, it is worth shelling out for the purchase of an animal in a serious nursery, where the entire pedigree is traced and documented.

You can see the Alpine breed with your own eyes, listen to what a person who breeds animals of this breed says, in the following video:


Svetlana, 43 years old, Perm region
I have been breeding dairy goats for several years. At first there were several types. The pedigree of some was questionable. Alpine goats were incomparably better than others: in the amount of milk, its taste and fertility. And I really liked their appearance. Then it was decided to breed separately purebred Alpine, and separately cross them with other goats. Bottom line: mixed offspring almost reached the level of a pure breed.
Ivan, 54 years old, Volgograd
I saw Alpine goats at the agricultural exhibition, I really liked them. I wanted to acquire a thoroughbred animal at least once in my life. I found breeders and bought a pair from them: a goat and a goat. What struck me the most was the taste of milk. All my life I drank goat milk solely for its health benefits, but I just endured the taste. The taste of this milk pleasantly surprised me, now I drink it with pleasure. And also: now I have 4 of them. 7 months after purchase.
Comments (1)
  1. There are two goats of the first-born Alpiyki, one milk yield 2.5 liters per day, 2 weeks after lambing, gave birth to a goat, a handsome white man with earrings, his father is La Mancha. The other has less milk, 1.6 liters goat a week, I hope in the future the milk yield will increase, the goat from the father of La Manch, and if the first goat has long ears, the second has small ears, like the father of La Manch, and both are camoly, hornless, I plan to continue breeding this breed, but one goat that has more milk with a Nubian, it should come out something.

    04/23/2018 at 12:04 pm
    1. And the offspring will have little milk ... yyyy

      06/26/2018 at 03:06
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