Do-it-yourself horned beehive, drawings

The horned beehive got this name due to the presence of small pins that stick out from the body or the bottom. This design was invented by Mikhail Palivodov. This design was developed as the most simplified and easy to use. It is worth noting that the original idea came out. In addition, of particular importance is the fact that, if necessary, beekeepers can use Dadanov or shop frames.

Distinctive features of horned hives

Considering the distinctive features of horned hives, it is worth noting that ordinary hives can be made in several variations:

  • with curly ends, as a result of which they can be attached to each other;
  • with a flat surface.

The hive from Mikhail Polevoda is made much more cunning. The sections are made of 4 knocked down boards, bars are used as fastening, which protrude above the body and do not reach the bottom a little. During the installation process, you can put the sections on top of each other, while the bars are not fastened to each other, and the body cannot be moved.

It should be borne in mind that a small gap (5 mm) is specially left, into which you can insert a chisel and separate the modules if they were glued with propolis.

Attention! The bars used perfectly cover the existing gaps and help to strengthen the finished structure.

Advantages and disadvantages

Judging by the reviews of beekeepers, the horned hive has the following advantages:

  • the structure is quite easy to make yourself;
  • as a material, you can use a dry shalyovka of any breed;
  • for bars and frames, you can use scraps from waste, as a rule, the quality of the finished structure does not suffer from this;
  • in the process of making a horned hive, you do not need to have a special tool;
  • sections, consisting of 8 frames, are perfect for a nucleus;
  • at the request of the beekeeper, Dadanov or store frames can be installed in the hive;
  • such designs are inexpensive, which is very important for both novice beekeepers and owners of large apiaries.

Over the years of use, no shortcomings have been identified. Horned hives are considered to be a good type of construction, which are easy to use and do not require large costs to manufacture.

Advice! These types of hives are great for production-scale apiaries.


In order to properly collect horned evidence for the apiary, it is recommended to first study the complete set of the structure. Designs for bee colonies include the following elements:

  • bottom - as practice shows, it can be not only deaf, but also consist of a special grid, the first option is used in winter, the second - mainly in summer;
  • body - the capacity is up to 8-10 honeycomb frames, it is important to take into account that the number of frames used depends entirely on the design features;
  • frame - it is used as an alternative solution for the ceiling or as a visor, as a rule, it is installed on the upper part of the structure - on top of the body.

If horned hives are planned to be installed in regions with low temperature conditions, then it is necessary to pre-insulate the bee houses using polystyrene for these purposes.

How to make a horned beehive with your own hands

Making your own horned beehive at home is not as difficult as it might initially seem. All that is required in this case is to adhere to all recommendations and carry out the assembly process in stages. To simplify the work, it is necessary to carry out work in accordance with the attached drawings, which indicate the dimensions of the structure.

Attention! If necessary, you can use Dadanov or store frames for horned hives.

Dimensions of the horned hive

Before starting the process of assembling a structure to accommodate bee colonies, it is recommended to understand what size the future hive should be:

  • height of the body-extensions - 153 mm;
  • sidewall width - 535 mm, in this case it is necessary to take into account the standard width, 16 mm - the distance to the walls, wall thickness and outer protrusions of 40 mm;
  • the width of the front and rear walls is 389 mm, while it is necessary to take into account 10 honeycomb frames, extreme spikes and a special gap of 5 mm;
  • folds located in the upper part of the front and rear walls - 8x11 mm;
  • spikes located on the front and rear walls - 7x11 mm;
  • the side grooves used to assemble the body are 7 mm wide, 10 mm deep, the indent from the edge of the board should be 20 mm.

Before proceeding with the assembly, it is necessary to prepare a flat surface.

Horned Hive Blueprints

In the process of performing work, it is worth using drawings for a horned beehive for 10 frames.

Required tools and materials

For the manufacture of horned hives, it is recommended to use boards from spruce trees. It is best to use boards sawn from dead wood or dried willow, which is quite light. Some beekeepers point out that you can use untreated wood, which makes the finished structure cheaper.

The most budgetary option is shalevka, while the width must be chosen necessarily standard and be 25 mm. After the material goes through the process of processing on the jointer, the required thickness of 22 mm will be obtained.

It is necessary to carry out installation work after all the material and tools necessary for the work have been prepared. During assembly, you will need to have a mallet on hand, with which you can plant the spikes in the grooves, a screwdriver, screws and a saw.

Build process

To create the body, you will need boards, which are cut into small bars measuring 22 x27 mm - these will be horns. With the help of a cutter, small recesses are made in the boards for installing frames. The size of the hanger should be 10 x 10 mm. Horns are installed from the front side.

After that, the body for each section is folded. The boards should be stacked in such a way that no gaps form between them. Fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws.

Be sure to check the corners, they must remain straight. After the first 2 compartments are made, it is necessary to check the docking - there should be no gaps. The thickness of the board used must be at least 22 mm.

After that, it is worth checking the inner corners for gaps.

For the manufacture of the bottom, take boards with a thickness of 22 mm and bars measuring 22 x 22 mm. With the help of a workbench, cutouts are made on the side walls.

The assembled elements of the lower tier are fixed with a clamp and fastened with self-tapping screws.

During assembly, it is necessary to leave a gap for the taphole. A mesh is inserted into the bottom.

Methods of keeping bees in horned hives

As a rule, the process of keeping bee colonies in horned hives is not much different from the stay of bees in conventional structures. A distinctive feature is the fact that when working in an apiary, you will not have to operate with honeycomb frames, as is usually the case, but with sections, of which there should be a large number.

It is important to bear in mind that a lot of time must be devoted to working with the bottom - it must be replaced regularly.On hot summer days, it is recommended to use a net, which provides fresh air flow, as a result of which the bees do not gather on the front walls of the structure. In addition, the bottom of the net in the summer time allows you to get rid of ticks, which, while moving, crumble from insects.

Thanks to the blank bottom, the optimal temperature regime is maintained in winter. In the spring, when bee colonies are checked, the bottom must be replaced. Determining the presence of a brood is quite easy, it does not require removing the sections. It is enough to put your hand to the frame and if warmth is felt, this indicates the presence of brood in the bee colony.


The horned hive is considered a fairly simple and popular design used by beekeepers. In the production process, it is recommended to take into account that the number of frames used can be any, depending on the preferences of the beekeeper. As you know, there are no clear rules in the production process, as a result of which you can choose any size and shape. If we talk about traditional houses for bee colonies, then they should include 8 frames up to 22 mm thick.


Andrey Streltsov, 49 years old, Moscow.
I have been engaged in beekeeping for 25 years, during which time I have tried a large number of hives. My goal was to find the best option in every sense of the word - inexpensive, easy to maintain. At the same time, an important factor is the possibility of self-production, which allows you to minimize costs, this is especially true for large apiaries. I have been using horned hives for several years, they are easy to use, they do not require special construction tools and experience in construction. In general, I am satisfied with the result, I transferred the entire apiary to such hives.
Semyon Grigoriev, 26 years old, Tula.
I started beekeeping relatively recently. At the initial stage, it was important for me to reduce costs, while not losing quality. A familiar beekeeper advised to install horned hives, saying that you can make them yourself without any problems. For work, I used the waste left over from the sawmill. The first few hives showed me how to do it right, I did the rest of the work on my own - there were no difficulties. The result exceeds all expectations, while the costs are minimal.
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